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Help with. Self-teaching AlgebraII/Trig

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I need some hive mind help. My sister is relocating her family out of state - they will be moving in with my parents for a year while they look for a place of their own. During that one year (and most likely only that one year) she wants to HS her the kids, mostly because of the of schools where my parents live. All three kids have gone through a wonderful gifted and talented school, starting at kindergarten. The oldest is 13 and starting 8th grade in the fall, however she currently leaves the middle school she is at to attend Geometry class at the high school. She will be ready for algII/trig in the fall. My sis is not math-y and does not feel she can teach the class. What self-teaching ALGII/Trig courses are out there for a very bright and studious 13 year old??. I told her about The existence of Life of Fred and Teaching Textbooks, but I have not used either. Are they any good? Are there others?

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My dd14 enjoys LOF and has done them all. She is currently going through the calculus one. She also has some AoPS--hasn't worked on it much yet. She is also doing some MIT open coursework ( that is me handing her problem sets--she thinks they are good but really repetitive. Khan academy is there if needed.

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Kinetic Books is perfect for that. All I ever did while my dd was using KB for Algebra I and Algebra II was help her when she got stuck. It's computer-based, so most of the problems have immediate feedback with stepped help. The other problems are to be completed with pencil and paper and just have an answer key.

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Kinetic Books is perfect for that. All I ever did while my dd was using KB for Algebra I and Algebra II was help her when she got stuck. It's computer-based, so most of the problems have immediate feedback with stepped help. The other problems are to be completed with pencil and paper and just have an answer key.




Kinetic Books is a good choice. My older dd self-taught with Chalkdust, which I also highly recommend. This fall, I'm going to have her use Thinkwell Calculus, which looks pretty self-teachable. (I think I made up that word.)


She'd better be able to self-teach Thinkwell, or we're going to have trouble! My brain has apparently deleted my memory of higher level math. I wish it could have deleted something useless like the lyrics to old 80s songs, but oh well! :D

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Also good for self-teaching are the materials from AskDrCallahan.com, especially if they are planning to return to public school the following year. Callahan uses a textbook from McGraw-Hill (older version of the same book my teens used in public high school) along with lectures.

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I can't find one on the MIT web site either. Sorry. I saw a trig/pre. Calc somewhere that looked good for ds and now can't find it. Grrr... anyway Ck12 also has textbooks and student giudes for these subjects for free. Both science and math primarily. Have not really used them. Dd looked over the calculus one and has the text on her kindle. I don't think she is using it much.

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Here's another for Algebra II:

Math Relief


She can watch a sample video on YouTube or at their website:



Between the videos, the fully worked out answer key, and the email/phone help they offer, it can be very self-teaching.


Trig can be covered at the end of Algebra II and/or during pre-calculus. If she wants a brief overview at the end of Algebra II, she would have time after Math Relief to add something. There's a simple workbook called E-Z Trigonometry that might help with that.



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