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2 hours until job interview. Way nervous!

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I've got a job interview at a daycare/preschool. I know they have openings but I don't know the specifics. After school starts, my oldest will be in school during the day, and my DH goes into the office 2 days per week. We were thinking I'd try to find a job working the other 3 days so he can be home with the kids. But what if the job wants me there 5 days per week? I'll be so bummed!


While my dd10 has no problem being home alone for a few hours, my ds11 with Aspergers does not like the idea of no parent being home. We don't have neighbors that can keep an eye on the kids and it would be stupid for me to hire someone because I'd likely be paying them what I make or even more.


With the economy the way it is, I really feel convicted to get a job to help with our household expenses. My mom totally freaked when I told her about my interview. She's very supportive of my homeschooling and was scared I was going to put the kids into school. It's too bad we don't live closer to her so she can hang out with the kids if I'm gone. But she's over an hour away.


It's been over 10 years since I've been on a job interview. I hope I don't make a 'donkey' of myself! :lol:

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I am sure you will do just fine! It's like riding a bicycle....you just don't forget how to interview. It's been about that long or longer for me and I can still see myself doing it. And when I was brand spanking new at it (still in college), I asked the VP interviewing me if that was his daughter in the picture on his desk......















it was his wife! Things you don't know not to say when you're 21...:001_huh: I'm sure you won't say anything as dumb as that!! ;)


I'll say a prayer for you! And I am a believer that if it's meant to be it will be. I think having been a homeschooling mother all these years has given you more than enough experience for this job. Just make sure you find out if it's the job YOU want! Blessings!

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I just went through the whole interview/second interview thing earlier this year when I got my teaching job. Yes, it is stressful, but it will be over very soon and you will have a great job interviewing! Sending thoughts and prayers your way.


One thing I will say is to approach this job with a spirit of acceptance. If you get it, great. You will work out the details with your family situation. If you don't get it, great. There is something different/better/more appropriate on the horizon. You are valuable and it is only one job. One job. Your worthiness as a human is not wrapped up in this. Believe in yourself for who you are! Be positive and don't let them think you are desperate for this job. You want to come across as competent, and informed, but not anxious.


Let us know how it went!!

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Believe in yourself for who you are! Be positive and don't let them think you are desperate for this job. You want to come across as competent, and informed, but not anxious.


Absolutely! I do not feel desperate which is a good thing. It's not like our lives depend on this job. I've been thinking about questions I'm going to ask because I know there are some things that I wouldn't like and therefore wouldn't make a good employee. But I'll word them carefully! For example, I'm interested in how they spread the teachers around. Are teachers hired specifically for each room or are they moved around daily to fill in empty slots? If a teacher is hired for a certain age group, would they get transferred to another age group without the employee's input? I'm a firm believer in stable caregivers for very young children. I had a very bad experience with my son was a toddler. In the space of 5 months, he had 4 different main teachers, and we never knew what helpers would be in the room on a daily basis. They thought my son had separation issues, but the poor boy just didn't know who to trust!


I'm excited to go in a little while. Even if the job doesn't work out, the interview will be an experience. :)


I'll report back when I get home!

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Well, no job for me. :( They only had openings for 5 days a week. She is interviewing for full time right now but did suggest a floater opening in the fall. That position rotates throughout the school giving teachers a chance to take a break and/or have lunch. Even that position is 5 days per week. I just can't make that committment. I'm bummed but not devastated. I appreciate your good thoughts and prayers. I'll just keep my eyes open for another opportunity.

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