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Books on Kindle/ipad/nook

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I bought The Hunger Games when it was $5 for all 3 books on Nook. I downloaded them to my iPad Nook app and two of my kids started reading book 1. They are now begging me to buy it in print form and say they hate only a small page showing, constant page turning, light dimming too soon, etc....


My plan was to get a real Kindle this next year, maybe even two, for our homeschooling so that my shelves didn't continue to burst at the seams with books AND they could both read at the same time without needing to buy two books.


If they hate the book on iPad for the reasons I listed, is getting a Kindle a bad idea?


I just thought too that once they get to the classics, it would be FREE books to download and we would be set.



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We got kindles for Christmas. Both dc's have read the hunger games trilogy without complaint. My dd14 has read several classics on hers. There are also a bunch of old Agatha Christie type mysteries for free which she likes. My ds12 enjoys the logic games -- we got with keyboard so they could play the games. He has read several books that we actually own the hard copy. Seems to like the kindle. All in one. We travel a lot. They are extremely self sufficient now. "No more what should we do " at night in hotel rooms with dh trying to work.

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You could take them to look at a Kindle in a Best Buy. I believe Target also has them. You can adjust the font size if they prefer more text on a page. Unless you get the Kindle Fire, then it is not a lighted screen.

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On a real Nook, with e-ink screen (we use the Simple Touch) the screen doesn't dim and is easier on the eyes than the backlit iPad or iPod. You can adjust the delay to shut off, to adapt to their reading speed, and adjust the font size to put more text on the screen, and page turns are quite fast.


Have them try one before you decide. For book reading, I advise the black and white e-ink model rather than a tablet. Nook now has the glow-light model which eliminates the need or a book light.

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ds9 is a BOOK WORM. dh's parents bought him a Kindle last year for Christmas. We all thought "what a wonderful idea!!" Well, no. He is an old-fashioned kinda kid, still prefers everything in print. He has dozens of books on his Kindle, but we mostly still find him in bed w/a real book in his hands.


On Amazon, I have noticed print books, if purchased used, are very often less expensive than their Kindle edition counterpart. ds wants to read A Wrinkle in Time, and the Kindle version is $5.99, but we can get it used w/free delivery (we have Prime) for $3.


I'm not really sorry he has the Kindle....its good for trips in that it is easier than packing several books (he prefers to read a few books at the same time). And in time, maybe he will get used to it....? I dunno, maybe some people are just "book" people.

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