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YIPPEE! It looks like we will be getting a new car tomorrow morning!!!

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Dh did the dealing with the dealers this week and pretty much got the deal we wanted. He will go in tomorrow morning to finalize. It is a 2008 Honda Civic! Don't know the color yet. The dealer is checking on inventory now to see what they have in stock for what we wanted. I am very happy this is finally happening. I'll put pics up on my blog when we get her home. YAH!

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Dh did the dealing with the dealers this week and pretty much got the deal we wanted. He will go in tomorrow morning to finalize. It is a 2008 Honda Civic! Don't know the color yet. The dealer is checking on inventory now to see what they have in stock for what we wanted. I am very happy this is finally happening. I'll put pics up on my blog when we get her home. YAH!


Congrats on your new girl. Cant wait for photo.



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Oh goody! :D So glad he got responses and you were able to find a good deal!


Yes, please put the picture up of your new baby when you get her home! Do you have a name picked out? Or do you wanna wait 'til you see her to giver'er a name? :)

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We will likely get a darker metallic gray. They have 2 on the lot with the specs we wanted and the interior of the other one is a really ugly color. Unless we really dislike the gray, we will get that one. I think we can order one and wait too.


Since dh has been driving my purple car for about 8 years now, I am not saying a word about color or naming her. He has not said anything about disliking my purple car (kind of an eggplant purple). I drive the van now, which we have had for 8 years. He gets to have this one without my butting in too much. I only spoke up about the yucky interior which he totally agreed. It reminded us too much of the color of ds 1's diaper content as a wee baby. Ewwww.


We got the dealer to go below MSRP which was great on this vehicle. They are selling for MSRP and more these days. So we were thankful that someone was willing to deal with us nicely.


Now I have to relearn how to drive a stick shift! It has been many years since I have driven one. But dh likes them and wanted one again. He also pointed out that in 5 years, our ds will be getting his permit. He wants him to learn on a stick too.


I am very excited! It will be nice to have a good reliable car around here! But we haven't had a car payment for 5 years, so that part will stink! There is a great rate on the Civics at the dealer right now though, so interest will be minimal.

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Congratulations! My mom just bought one. I think her color is called atomic blue. She absolutely loves it! She says it gets excellent gas mileage.


The Atomic Blue is our first choice for color. We may decide, tomorrow, to wait for that color to come in. Or we may just take what is on the lot. Not sure. I really want to get it tomorrow though! We'll see. I am going to let dh decide on this one since I picked the last time for color.

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