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Has anyone hired SSI attny. for adult dc?

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I am a liscensed attorney as is dh we both do this work call your local bar association for a referral-it is complex and the relationaship between IQ and Axis 1, 2, 3, and 4 according to the DSM manual does govern eligibility.Please hire an attorney through the bar association as California is plagued with several sub standard law schools and I would not hire any one without good standing in the bar. Be assure d iq alone does not make or break a case. Call an attorney

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My 55yo sister is currently in the middle of a SSI appeal (for a disability). She was turned down with her first claim, and then hired a lawyer who specializes in this. He has certainly been helpful in telling her how to fine-tune the claim, wording, etc. One thing to be aware of and not sure if this is true in your niece's area....my sister lives in a large Midwest city and there is currently a 2-3 year wait for a court date before the judge who hears the appeal.

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I was able to get my BIL on SSDI after a crisis involving his bipolar disorder landed him in the hospital. We'd previously tried and failed (couldn't work through the system since he wouldn't do it voluntarily when unmedicated)...it was a disaster, even though I am a social worker and knew what to do. I realize that this is not same situation, but I just wanted to encourage you that hiring a lawyer is an excellent idea and well worth it, IMO.


It is a challenging thing to try to do yourself, almost impossible in my experience. The only reason we were able to accomplish it was that we did it while he was inpatient, with the hospital social worker backing us. If there is ever any sort of crisis, illness, etc with her, take advantage of the moment and get the in house social worker to help you out. Does she have a mental health caseworker? Try them for help, too. Hit it with everything you've got and don't give up!


:grouphug: for trying to do this for your niece. It's an uphill battle, I know!

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My 55yo sister is currently in the middle of a SSI appeal (for a disability). She was turned down with her first claim, and then hired a lawyer who specializes in this. He has certainly been helpful in telling her how to fine-tune the claim, wording, etc. One thing to be aware of and not sure if this is true in your niece's area....my sister lives in a large Midwest city and there is currently a 2-3 year wait for a court date before the judge who hears the appeal.


That would explain how they get 5300.00. I could not figure out how the fees would be paid.


I did call around, only got two replies. One no and one, we will look at neuropsych and get back to you. The one that said no said SS cutoff for IQ is 69, so its definitive.


There are not many Disability lawyers in SD. I told dd. to start studying, so she can help out all the kids that are in the same boat. I am so frustrated. My poor sis., on top of this she is going thru nasty divorce. Please everyone pray for her and her poor kids.


Thank you all for info. Oh yeah, for the lawyers, I have a question, should I do Functional Living tests, would that help her chances. Because current eval. just goes over basic remediation , it doesnt talk about her daily living skills.



At a loss,


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The waiting period is that long ,as we need more judges-allegedly there is not money in the budget for the needed hires...it is awful to see clients lose their housing or remain near homeless while they wait for a hearing. It is just wrong.




If you are out there. Quick question? I got a hold of original psych. , she said she could give her Vineland and another test for funtional living skill. Would this be a good move and acceptable to SS. I will have to private pay and its 600.00. Or will atty. take care of it and take out of future fees?


Any help, I am getting none in San Diego, are you ready for a trip to CAli, just kiddin'.


At wits end,


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If you are out there. Quick question? I got a hold of original psych. , she said she could give her Vineland and another test for funtional living skill. Would this be a good move and acceptable to SS. I will have to private pay and its 600.00. Or will atty. take care of it and take out of future fees?


Any help, I am getting none in San Diego, are you ready for a trip to CAli, just kiddin'.


At wits end,



I would love to advise but am not able to- I can only do so in my state...Hire an attorney and they will determine how to get the test done. Just get in to see one who specializes in Disability. Low Iq alone does not suffice as i said earlier. But she might qualify based on combinations of mental disability . Keep talking to her psychologist though as this is crucial.If you need a referral seek out the local bar -they are usually helpful. I wish you were here this would be easier...Bless your heart for taking on this awesome task. http://www.sdcba.org/LRIS/ These folks should help find an attorney. Best of luck

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For very complicated reasons we've been thrashing around in the Workman's Compensation world without a lawyer for years now, and are preparing for a Social Security Disability claim for DH. Long story short -- you need a professional. Absolutely hire an attorney with that speciality and don't do anything with further doctors/testing until you do. They know which professional opinions will hold up in court and which will not.

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For very complicated reasons we've been thrashing around in the Workman's Compensation world without a lawyer for years now, and are preparing for a Social Security Disability claim for DH. Long story short -- you need a professional. Absolutely hire an attorney with that speciality and don't do anything with further doctors/testing until you do. They know which professional opinions will hold up in court and which will not.


Thats what I was thinking, I kind of just scheduled an appt. and than in the meantime will let atty. make decision. Therefore I can cancel either way.


I am already worn out. We truly need to all get together and start a transition organization. There are not many out there and it is such a scary time. I have tried all in Sd and noone answers the phone. AAAAAAH!



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