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Trisomy 18 - an inspiring blog

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Ironically, I had just finished reading an email about how Bella Santorum will be celebrating her 4th birthday this weekend, having defied the odds after being born with Trisomy 18, when I clicked over here and saw this post.


Thank you for sharing this beautiful blog, do you know the family personally?

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Thank you for sharing this beautiful blog, do you know the family personally?


I don't know the family personally, but I will deliver at the same hospital, so we live in the same area. One of my friends was one of the nurses on the L&D unit, but did not take care of her.


The irony for me is that the same afternoon baby Nora was born, I was at a high risk perinatologist appointment discussing the risks of my very unexpected pregnancy. I had a nuchal scan done that day and had blood work drawn. I had to wait three days for the results.


The geneticist said she would call me three days later between 1-2. I sat down that Friday at 1:00 to await the phone call. That same hour my nurse friend posted this link on FB. For the hour I waited, I read the entire blog and sobbed. Every fear I had came to the surface, but I felt like God was showing me that he would give me strength for whatever was to come.The call finally came and my results looked promising. Despite my age (45) they did not recommend any further genetic testing.


The blog continues to inspire me; this mother's faith and vulnerability is such a beautiful testimony, and baby Nora is such a cutie. :)

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