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Classical Conversations

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I have been looking into the classical Conversations program and I am very confused! I am looking at Foundations. Is it a program for homeschoolers to implement? Do I teach it or someone else? What does it consist of? I have found the website very confusing. Any information would be greatly appreciated!



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There are a lot of Classical Conversations threads, which you may find helpful.


You meet with your CC group once a week. During the CC time:


1. The tutor presents memory work for the week in seven different 'subjects,' math, history, science, English grammar, Latin, geography and a timeline. You as the parent, decide how much of the memory work you want to learn during the week at home.


2. The tutor directs the kids in a short fine arts component, which covers drawing, music theory, art or classical music, depending on the week.


3. The tutor leads the kids in a science experiment or project.


4. The child gives a presentation to their class.


That's it in a nutshell. Check out the website, there probably is a CC information session scheduled in your area.

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Keep in mind that CC does not teach the 3R's. You will need your own reading, math and writing programs.


We did our first year of CC last year--dd is 6. I found CC mainly helpful at that age for the science and history work. The tutor taught a history sentence and science facts every week. Most days they did related science experiments. Then at home, we looked at other books or videos to elaborate on that topic. For me, this was the part that would have fallen through the cracks if it had not been for CC to keep me on track.


CC math is only memorization of multiplication tables and key formulas. It's all good--don't get me wrong--but you still have to do your own math program. It's been neat this year, though, when a concept we learned in CC came up in our math program. My dd6 would immediately recognize it, and that was kind of cool.


The latin and English grammar were not very helpful for us this year, but I imagine that as the years progress it might prove more useful.


So bottom line--you are still your child's primary teacher. You pick out all your curriculum. CC can help your child memorize key pieces of information, plus give you an opportunity for a scheduled science experiment, fine arts project, and time to socialize with other kids and moms (among other things). For us it was a win, and we plan to continue next year. A lot depends, however, on your CC community--how it is run, the tutors, etc. That can make a huge difference.


Hope that helps.

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How does this work? We apparently don't have an communities near us.




We've been wait-listed for our local group for the second year in a row, so this is what we may be doing, too. I actually purchased a bunch of the supplies, books, cards, etc. figuring someone could help me do it at home.

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We did CC at home this past year. Our closest community was an hour away and I was nervous getting there and keeping up with small baby. We ended up meeting with another family and doing our own mini community. It worked out great! The Foundations Guide gives you an idea of what to do, plus there are some great blogs with ideas to flesh out the lessons. The amount that my kids retained was amazing, even the 5 year old.



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Sometimes the CC website isn't updated quickly, so if you're really interested you could email either the Support Manager or the Area Manager for where you are. They keep lists of contacts in each locality and will come do an info meeting for you if there's at least a couple of families wanting to know more. They might also be able to hook you up with a newly formed community that just hasn't made it onto the website yet, or even just another family in your town.

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We have done 2 years of CC with a group and 1 year of CC at home. There are pros and cons to both. The support of the CC community is very nice to have, and I have to admit that we were much more diligent with memory work and such when we were participating in the community. At the same time, we enjoyed doing CC at home (we moved and had no group available), doing the work at our own pace. If I could have my choice, I would join up with my sister back home, and we would do CC on our own. IF, however, I were just starting out, I would join a community, both for the support and just to help me get the hang of thing!

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  • 3 weeks later...
Sometimes the CC website isn't updated quickly, so if you're really interested you could email either the Support Manager or the Area Manager for where you are. They keep lists of contacts in each locality and will come do an info meeting for you if there's at least a couple of families wanting to know more. They might also be able to hook you up with a newly formed community that just hasn't made it onto the website yet, or even just another family in your town.



You should absolutely contact the support manager listed on your state...campuses are being started all the time and there might be something right by you. I personally feel the fellowship and accountability are amazing..



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Keep in mind.....you can always start a community in your hometown! :001_smile: Just contact the SM in your area and she can give you the details.


I am a director for a CC group in my hometown.


While I know a few families that have been successful with doing CC at home, the community aspect has kept me acountable to keep up with everything. I tried it at home one year and it always took the backburner. But, everyone is different!



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