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alphabet sounds and letter names


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My 4 yo is doing great with learning his letter sounds and blending to read words but he still gets some of his letter names mixed up. Is there any fun way to help him with this. He doesn't have a real long attention span at this point so I need something that I can fit into his 20 min. reading lesson.

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Another vote for the frog. I think I've heard someone say it's on Netflix, but I don't have it, so wouldn't know. It's a $7 DVD, IIRC, so it was worth buying for us. :)


Also, I wouldn't stress about letter "names" while learning to read. The important thing is the letter "sounds" and the blending. Letter names can come later. Of course, if your child can learn them from the frog, great. That's how my youngest two learned them. :D


Also, let him play starfall.com (free side), and you'll forever have the zipper song and other such things in your head, but your child will also likely learn those letter names (still do the frog though).

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