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Why does my computer screen look smudged/blurry?

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The icons, words, etc. that is. Any way to make it go away, or is it just time for a new one?


Is it a Mac or a PC? I know on my Mac there's a setting for "smoothing" the fonts and edges of things, and I think that can make everything look sort of soft and blurry. There used to be a similar setting on my work PC too, but I don't know if the newest OSs still have that option or not.

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On a laptop or desktop?


I have a flat screen for my desktop and it does that too when too much dust collects on the inside. Get some compressed air and try cleaning it out and see if that helps.

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My first thought was . . . do you have smudges on your glasses? That's always the problem with me!


Ha ha ha...my glasses are smudged, but this is more serious than that! :lol:


This is on a desktop pc. Luckily I've got a brand-new laptop that is sparkling clear, but the dc need the desktop for schoolwork. There is a very good possibility is has too much dust inside--I will look into that.


Thanks all!!

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