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What do you know about Azure Standard?

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I've ordered from them for a couple years, I've been happy with them. I typically get the 1 lb bags of herbs and spices, 20-50 lb bags of beans and wheat. Enough of my local friends order from them that if one of us won't meet the $50 minimum (to avoid the surcharge), there's always someone else we can split an order with. My biggest problem is remembering when orders are due, I usually think about it a few hours later.

Edited by hypatia
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I have ordered from them twice now, and had a great experience both times. They are so, so helpful on the phone and when they arrive with the truck. I discovered when I ordered the first time that a lot of other people I know (especially those with big families) were ordering too.


I ordered 25 lbs of quinoa last time because it was a good deal. Coconut milk yogurt was also on sale, so I ordered a bunch of that. Different things are on sale each month.


My friends with big families ordered big bags of dry beans, rice, gallon buckets of coconut oil, etc.

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I've been ordering for about 3 yrs now I believe, whenever they got delivery to my state(they were 3.5 hrs away though so friends and I would take turns every few months going to pick up). 1 yr ago we got a drop in our local town and I'm the drop manager. I've had nothing but good experiences and as far as I know none of the people on my drop have had complaints, except for when items are out of stock. If you have any problem w/ an item ie produce you ordered is bad(which happens here especially for certain fruits/vegs as we are so far away) then they refund no questions asked. Very rarely there have been mistakes with wrong items being delivered- I think 1 or maybe 2x for our entire group in this whole year and again they refunded no questions asked.


Quality has been great on everything but produce is spotty, however as I said if it isn't in good shape I just ask for a refund. You keep the item and they credit your account. I haven't had the issue in a while but I try to pick fruits/vegs that travel well. If I lived closer I'm sure that would be different.


I believe their best deals are their bulk items, dry good and frozen. The house name items especially you can get really good deals on things. If you are ordering name brands though they are not always the best deal, I check Amazon as well. I usually order bulk though and few things packaged. Watch produce for seasonal specials and their seconds. We had organic apples all winter for 50c a lb as we bought juice apples. I never had any problem with spoilage, they just weren't picture perfect. I buy frozen fruit their brand- blueberries, cherries, strawberries, frozen vegs; peas, green beans(they also have deals on corn and broccoli but I don't buy either). They have great deals on bulk cleaning items, I buy biokleen dishwashing liquid, they also sell diswasher and washing machine detergent for a good price and many other brands.

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I did have a what I consider a bad experience and came really close to leaving the company.


It is a little difficult to explain if you are not totally familiar with how Azure Standard works. Here is what happened: You have a route manager that covers an entire region of the US. For me I am in contact with this Azure Standard employee via an Azure Standard FB group. One morning I was sipping my coffee perusing my FB and I see a meesage in my News feed from the AS route group. It was an invitiation to join the route manager at a nutrition conference hosted by Douglas Wilson and his ministry.:001_huh: I was very thrown by the fact that a paid employee of AS was "inviting" those of us on the route, to a conference like this. Since it was done under the name of AS I could not tell if this was the employees views alone, or representative of some unknown connection between AS and Douglas Wilson.


I did contact the route manager with a request that my groceries please be kept seperate from specific religous affiliations. I also put a call in to the CEO of the company. (Obviously this is a big deal to me and I did not want to be supporting DW in any way.) The CEO was very nice, he told me he was completely unfamiliar with who DW was. His employee had posted what she did without permission from the company.


Next week my order was delivered. The truck drivers just happen to be the son and DIL of the route manager. We were treated so rude!!! I had been concerned about backlash from the family, but was really shocked by how petty it was. At one point my drop manager leans over and says, "Why is that girl (the DIL) just staring at you?!"


I stayed with the company for a couple reasons. 1. The CEO reassurance that there was not a connection. And 2. The drivers switched routes and we got a new driver.


I regularly buy what other has mentioned: Bulk (beans, peas, flour, herbs and spices, raisins) and fruits and veggies. Oh, and I buy seeds for the garden.

Edited by Juniper
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