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If you've used a mei tai baby carrier, can you give me your thoughts?

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A good friend is expecting her second baby (yay!) and is wanting a mei tai carrier. She already has a Balboa baby and a Moby wrap, so she's not sure she can convince her dh that she needs another. :tongue_smilie: I found a good tutorial on-line to make her one, and I'm super excited to surprise her with it.


The pattern has me putting padding in part of the shoulder straps; the part that would be going over the shoulder. It also has me putting padding in the waist strap where it goes around the waist.


It has me making the body section 18" x 24", with a slightly rounded edge at the top.


Any ideas on what you love about your mei tai, or what you'd change if you could? I never used one, but they look awesome.


Any tips on things I could do to make it more user friendly? I see that they sell 'chew covers' for the shoulder straps, which are basically an extra short tube of fabric that velcros around the part of the shoulder strap that baby can reach. Apparently lots of babys like to chew on the straps, and these covers let you just take those off and wash them instead of washing the whole carrier. Would those be nice to have, or not necessary?



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I loved my Babyhawk, and think that some extra features would be great! I ring to clip keys to, on the waist. Another ring to clip teething toys too would be awesome as well. I think the Babies Beyond Borders ones have that and I think it is genius.

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I like no padding in the waist. I like a long enough strap so both parents could use it...although my husband didnt use it as much as me.


I liked the straps slightly padded on the shoulder and not to wide. I didnt like the straps cupping my shoulders...I felt that the straps would fall easier that way. I am shorter...so I also preferred a mei tai that didnt have a huge body as it would slip down my shoulders as well since the straps would be too far over. Not sure everyone had this issue.


I loved a light padding in body of carrier...but nothing too heavy. I also loved having one fabric on one side and a solid on the other to reverse my carrier.

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Make sure you secure all of the straps very strongly with a good thread like Gutterman's. A pocket would be nice, or loop to attach a baby toy. A detachable hood would also be good.


I do plan to buy the strongest thread I can find; I've seen Gutterman's mentioned before, I'll look for that, thank you.


Would I just put the pocket on the outside of the 'body' then? and a baby toy loop is a great idea.


Not so sure I could do a detachable hood. :D But I'll look around more and see if I can get some ideas...


Thank you!

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I like no padding in the waist. I like a long enough strap so both parents could use it...although my husband didnt use it as much as me.


I liked the straps slightly padded on the shoulder and not to wide. I didnt like the straps cupping my shoulders...I felt that the straps would fall easier that way. I am shorter...so I also preferred a mei tai that didnt have a huge body as it would slip down my shoulders as well since the straps would be too far over. Not sure everyone had this issue.


I loved a light padding in body of carrier...but nothing too heavy. I also loved having one fabric on one side and a solid on the other to reverse my carrier.


I'm pretty much the opposite :) (And tall, so perhaps that's why)


I haven't tried an Ergo for an extended length of time, but really think that style of waist (with LOTS of padding - designed for the weight to be mostly supported on the waist) works better for me. My homemade mei tai was giving me horrible shoulder pain with extended use by the time DD was 6 months old (and she wasn't even particularly big at that point), and switching to a frame carrier (backpacking style) made a world of difference.


While I haven't tried a wide strap that cups the shoulder in a mei tai, I've found that an effective wide shoulder that distributes the weight well definitely helps with ring slings.


Agreed about the long straps, though how long is going to depend on the height and girth of both users. If there is a big disparity, it would probably be better for each to have their own.


I think that the chew covers are a good idea - that doesn't strike me as any significant extra effort.

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I agree that long enough straps are important. Also, make the straps dark colored, so if they drag on the ground and get dirty while she is putting it on it doesn't show. White or light colored straps would be a nightmare!

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I really like the way the straps on my Maya Tie do fan out to cup my shoulders when I want them to. I am used to this because I use Moby style wraps a lot and the fanning helps distribute the weight. You may want to ask your friend if she uses her Moby a lot and likes that fanning option or if she usually folds or schrunches the shoulder fabric.

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I made a mei tai when dd was a baby. I find I definitely prefer padded straps to wide "wrap style" straps. It seems to be a highly personal preference. For mine, I made it wide and tall, then sewed a fold into the body to make it narrower so DD could get her legs out when she was still small (she hated the froggie thing by like 2wks old. When she got older I pulled the seam out to give her more leg support. My kids are all enormous and tall, so I definitely prefer a tall body.


Toy loop is a GREAT idea! I wish I'd had one of those!

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I have (insert embarrassing number) baby carriers. I think I only have 3 mei tais now. A Sachi, a Bamberoo and a DIY. My Bamberoo has a hood. I NEVER use it. Ever.


Look at the hoodie here if you want an idea for a detachable one: http://www.babyhawk.com/Shop/Accessories/Babyhawk-Hoodies/1033.aspx


I lined the inside of mine with minkee. It is so soft and snuggly!


Make sure you do x-boxes where you attach the straps!

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I love our Mei Tei. It was always DD's favorite to be carried in, too. Mine was from a WAHM from DS. I actually liked my wide shoulder straps that cupped my shoulder. I felt it spread out the weight better. Mine is reversible and one side has a large pocket. I didn't end up using the pocket as much as I thought I would, but it was nice to have. I debated having a hood attached, but decided against it. I never missed it.


Definitely just make sure you reinforce all the seams and attach the straps very securely. That's why I didn't make my own, I wasn't sure how to do it to make sure it was strong enough. Now that I've seen and used one, I'd feel a bit better about it. But I'm just like that and do better with an example.

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I also have an embarrassing number of carriers. I've been trying to sell a few. I actually do use the hoods when baby is sleeping because she is very fair and redheaded, so burns easily. It helps keep her from burning outside. :)


WHY did you have to link to those hoods? I'm trying to sell my Babyhawk with Minkee. :lol:

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I'm in the "too many carriers" group, too!


I like long straps to tie (I finish off w/a bow :) )


Only slightly padded shoulders ~ so I don't feel restricted or bulky


Toy Ring


Having a minky lined one is nice, so reversible is nice for those wanting only 1 mei tai


Cute patterns/designs is a must for me!


Hood is nice, though I don't ever use one. Detachable option for sure.


Wide~ish body, but not an overly long body

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I also have an embarrassing number of carriers. I've been trying to sell a few. I actually do use the hoods when baby is sleeping because she is very fair and redheaded, so burns easily. It helps keep her from burning outside. :)


WHY did you have to link to those hoods? I'm trying to sell my Babyhawk with Minkee. :lol:


I have a wee ginger as well. She just gets PISSED when I pull the hood up. Even in a dead sleep. Grr.

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One of my mei tai's had a cool drawstring thing so you could cinch up the bottom part of the carrier around the baby's butt. I loved that, because with a smaller baby it made them feel so much more secure.

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I've had a variety of mei tais with the pockets, toy rings, detachable hoods, solarveil hoods, etc, etc. I never really used any of the bells and whistles. What I do find necessary are shoulder straps long enough to twist over little one's back and back around my waist (lexi twist). Sewing the x boxes where the straps attach is a must.

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