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Dog Advice needed

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We have 4 dogs and 2 cats. We have a water issue and I would love some suggestions!!


The cats have their water in the bathroom, so they are not an issue.

The dogs have one of these: https://encrypted-tbn1.google.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTeABqRdq3_OTVw_U7Jaz354Woz9Ad3Xgjyq3lpj0YqiheCKGvSKw to hold their water.

We tried just filling it up and letting them have free range all day, but they gorge themselves and pee non stop or throw up. We started limiting their water. We put a rock in the bottom of the Waterer and only filled it 1/4 of the way full + let 2 dogs at a time only (then refill it and let the other 2 drink)- ...its better but they still ring the bell to go pee a lot. They have less accidents inside, but still.

I would like to eventually let them have free range water and no accidents inside and normal bell ringing for potty. I hope that makes sense? I can only take 1 dog out at a time to go out and if they need to go every 15min from all the water, its pretty hectic around here! ** I do clean up the pee, its NOT an issue of sniffing and marking- its because they fill up on the water and then cant hold it! **


so Ideas? Thoughts? Suggestions?

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That's strange. I have four indoor dogs and none of them do this.


I found this. http://pets.webmd.com/dogs/my-dog-always-thirsty


Maybe your dogs are getting too much salt in their food?


Ill check that out. They are on Purina Pro Plan. Not the best food, but a good food.


How old are these dogs?


They are 3 and 4yrs old. Not puppies. If they were puppies, i wouldnt be concerned. I think Ill make a vet apt too, just to make sure everything is ok on the inside. I dont think anything is wrong, but ya never know.

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What breed/size? Constant thirst and bladder control issues can be indicative of several health concerns-- diabetes, UTIs, etc. Other than something physiological, there's really no reason why they should be hoarding water and then eliminating constantly. I'd run this by the vet.



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What breed/size? Constant thirst and bladder control issues can be indicative of several health concerns-- diabetes, UTIs, etc. Other than something physiological, there's really no reason why they should be hoarding water and then eliminating constantly. I'd run this by the vet.




1 beagle (30-40lbs?), 1 lab/retriever/shep mix (35lbs), 1 lab (50lbs), 1 lab/husky (50lbs).

I am going to take them to the vet, but until then, im going to give them water on a slight schedule. That way I can really monitor their intake and out. I plan to put 1 dog at a time in the kitchen and give them small amounts of water throughout the day. I think that will help because theyll have a small bowl rather than a large waterer, its 1 dog with their water instead of 2 at a time and theyll be on a schedule of sorts.

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Hmmm...... it's an odd situation, that's for sure. One thing that springs to mind is that it's a learned behavior? One learning to gorge on water from another? And then that sets up a competition of sorts? Definitely unusual, though. I've got three dogs in my house, two big and one small(-ish, he's a corgi) and have no such issues. I mean the big ones will drain the bowl after activity, etc. but no peeing issues. The pack of three includes two boys, one of whom is intact, too.


Let me think on it and run it by a few of my trainer friends and see if they've got any ideas....



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Thanks for the help!!! Im grateful for it. :001_smile:


All of the dogs are spayed/neutered except 1, the beagle. I need to get him done, i just havent yet.

Youre right, it could be learned. They dont fight over food. I dont let them free feed though. I put it in their bowls next to each other and they eat. Sometimes the older female (lab/retriever/shep mix) will snip at them if she thinks they are going after hers, but thats it.


I tried just limiting the water just now. I went by the link Shellers posted. Just over a cup per 10lbs weight. I am starting slow though. I put a bowl in the kitchen (its blocked off with a gate) and then filled it with 1c water with 1 dog in there. Let them drink, then let them out and let the next dog in with their 1c. No gorging and no throwing up or peeing (so far). Its only been a few minutes so well see. Ill give them a little more water in a bit and then see how they do.

The 1c of water is a small amount, I think we had been giving them WAY TOO MUCH and thats why. I wasnt measuring anything out before, just filling it and letting 2 dogs go at the bowl. Even when i measured 5c (for 50lbs)-so i could mark it on the water pitcher ill be using, its still not as much as i was giving them, i bet thats what it was. Way too much, too fast. Im open to other ideas as to what it might be though, because this may not solve it. Im still taking them to the vet.


ETA: An hour later and still no pee or puke!!! :party:

Edited by Jpoy85
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