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How do I get vomit smell out of carpet?!

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Moose isn't feeling well. Aaaand, he vomited all over the living room carpet. :001_huh:


Even though he's our youngest, we've been able to avoid anyone barfing on carpet so far. So I don't know how to get the smell out. All the solids have been cleaned up, and I scrubbed the stain out with boiling water.


But it still smells like vomit in here.




I KNOW I've read on here before about enzyme cleaners. Please post exactly what worked, and where to get it.


We do not have pets, so I have no frame of reference there.


Please help me. My little guy is miserable, and my living room smells like gak. :tongue_smilie:

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Personally I think that vinegar, baking soda, and lemon juice fix everything. Kinda of like when I was kid and thought that tape fixed everything.


But, if it is an enzyme cleaner that you want, head on over to the pet store and pick up on of the cleaners for pet urine. This is the one that I have used in the past and love: Natures Miracle - I've posted the link just so you know what the bottle looks like. http://www.amazon.com/Natures-Miracle-Stain-Odor-Remover/dp/B0002ASLMW/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1335716282&sr=8-1


Good luck.

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natures miracle works great as does BacOut (which reminds me, I need to order more of that) but sometimes walmart sells one called OdoBan that also works great. I used OdoBan to get the smell of old spoiled milk that spilled out of a sippy cup in my dad's truck. It worked great.

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I agree with using one of the enzyme cleaners. If spraying it on top of the carpet doesn't do the trick, get a big cattle syringe/needle from a farm supply store and inject the cleaner down into the carpet pad. I had to do that for our closet, where our male cat was urinating. And then just let it dry. I had to repeat it a few times, in different spots, but it worked quite well.

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Another vote for BacOut--maybe at a natural food store. OdoBan seems to get rid of most everything, but I don't remember where I bought it.


If the carpet is light, you could use peroxide mixed with Dawn detergent and baking soda. That has worked well for us in similar situations.

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I works! I really does! It also gets rid of "some" of the stain. Put tons on with a little bit of water until it's like a paste. Then scrub the spot with a cloth with warm water. Then put some dry stuff on the spot and let it sit for about a week. It will look like a white spot on the carpet, but it shouldn't take out the color (at least, it has never done it to us, and I have done it on 3 different kinds of carpet). Then after a week, poor hot water on the spot to get rid of the white part and scrub with a cloth until it's all gone.


Good luck!

Hot Lava Mama

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