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I am reading the symptoms of Hypothyroidism and really wonder if I have this.


I have almost no hair on my legs or underarms and rarely need to shave at all. I get a few random hairs that are thin and light colored and you really have to look to see them, but I do shave them when I am going to be in a swimsuit.


I have had a pituitary adenoma diagnosis in my 20s but then it didn't seem to ever cause more issues later on.


I cannot lose weight to save my life no matter what I do. My metabolism is horrible.


There are other symptoms of the disease I seem to have as well.


HOWEVER, my TSH has not come back abnormal. I have had my T3 and T4 tested and will find the paper and post the results later.


So here are my questions:


1. Is it still possible to have hypothyroidism with normal blood work?

2. How can I find out?

3. Is there anything I can do naturally to help fix this without hormones?


I would really like to have more energy and be more healthy.





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My dd has profound Hashimoto's. I had nodes on my thyroid about 9-10 years ago. It caused just slightly abnormal thyroid levels but I was so entirely messed up by it. Have you had antibody tests done to see if you carry anti-thryoid ones? SO many people get "normal" tsh results but have thyroid issues. FWIW, when my thyroid crashed (it got better in a few months and the nodes went away), the hair on my legs and arms stopped growing. I used to have to shave daily and have dark hair. Now it's super pale and fine and I shave maybe a couple of times a year and it makes no difference. But my tsh is normal. I would look into seeing an endocrinologist for more tests.

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It depends on what you call "normal." All my blood work was within the labs range, though on the high end. Couple that with symptoms and you get subclinical hypo. Come to find out, the ranges that most labs use are outdated. If it were me (and it was several years ago) I'd call a compounding pharmacy and ask for the names of drs who prescribe armour thyroid and bioidentical hormones.

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Dawn, you can have hypothyroidism for years before it shows up in your bloodwork. My dr told me I had textbook symptoms but since my levels were normal (high-normal actually), he wouldn't treat me. Then I changed states and my dr. said they are learning to go by the symptoms instead of just the levels.


I have been on meds for 5 years now and am just now getting the hardly-any-hair growing thing. I guess I need to have my levels checked again.


Ask your dr if they will let you try a low-dose of Synthroid. They may want to you try the generic, but be warned it doesn't work for many of us. I would insist on the Synthroid. My dr said it is one of the few meds they don't recommend a generic for because the generic can deviate a tiny bit from one prescription to the next and in thyroid meds that can make a lot of difference.


If you are hypothyroid and you do get meds for it you will be amazed at how much better you feel. The symptoms creep up so slowly, over years, and you don't realize how badly you have been feeling until you aren't feeling that way anymore.


Hope you can get the help you need.

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So, should I just seek out an endocrinologist? My regular family doc seems to think I am fine as the blood work isn't showing anything.


My plan allows me to seek out specialists on my own without a referral, although the deductible is higher, but that is ok.



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So, should I just seek out an endocrinologist? My regular family doc seems to think I am fine as the blood work isn't showing anything.


My plan allows me to seek out specialists on my own without a referral, although the deductible is higher, but that is ok.




If you are allowed to see a specialist without a referral I would say yes.


Ask around though and get some recommendations.

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I would also consider bringing your tests results to a naturopath and I will tell you why.


The ranges MD's use to determine diagnosis are extreme. In other words, you must be far below a wide range to be determined low. However, a naturopath will see where you are on the low side or high side of normal and start preventative measures.

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Could I just go to a naturopath in the first place?




I would also consider bringing your tests results to a naturopath and I will tell you why.


The ranges MD's use to determine diagnosis are extreme. In other words, you must be far below a wide range to be determined low. However, a naturopath will see where you are on the low side or high side of normal and start preventative measures.

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Yes, go to an endocrinologist. There are other things the doc will look at besides your blood work.


I have been on synthroid since I was 15. I started seeing my endo at 13. It took two years of testing frequently until my thyroid settled into hypo. My symptoms were subtle and not consistent. I am watching the same pattern in my dd.

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Could I just go to a naturopath in the first place?




You sure can. That is what I do. The best bet is to find an MD who works in conjunction with your regular MD.


I went to FIVE different MD's who said I presented as normal and gave me scary diagnosis guesses along with crazy tests. Most of which I turned down because it was ridiculous.


I stopped it all and took the lab work to a naturopath (www.mariepace.com)

Thank goodness I did! She said down I went over my blood work. My MD gave me a 5 minute phone call and said "You are normal." SHE was the one who explained how the ranges are VERY wide. And, regarding my thyroid, she said the range the lab was using was outdated!:001_huh: She guessed adrenal fatigue (MASSIVE year of stress which MD's blew off) and had me tested. Sure enough - my progesterone was low, my cortisol was low too! So..I've been on her NATURAL protocol for 7 weeks and I am truly feeling better. Also, she thinks I may have some thyroid issues but said we need to address the adrenals and progesterone first, get that working and go from there.




I believe EVERYONE deserves this kind of health care.:rant: I am not against MD's, but they are trained to treat diseases with pharmaceutical drugs. They are not adept in nutrition and lifestyle preventative measures and that is simply, a fact. Often they are trained on these drugs by pharmaceutical reps. Again, I am not AGAINST Dr.'s but let's face it - I pay them and I am the customer. I have a RIGHT to sixteen opinions if I want it. HA HA:auto:


If you want to really see what drugs can do to a person, check out the videos on this site! This site is focused mostly on psychotropic drugs but the money trail to the drug companies...well, you decide.



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