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Ideas? (fine motor delays)

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You could have her try the pre-writing (shapes) worksheets at donnayoung.org. If you put them into sheet protectors and give her a thick dry erase marker, she can practice them again and again (with your supervision to make sure she is holding it right, etc.) Once she can do all of them well, you could move her on to the actual letter writing worksheets. Again, be sure you supervise carefully so she doesn't develop bad habits.

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Calvin had delayed fine motor skills. We only worked on handwriting (HWT) for five or ten minutes a day, starting at about age five. Apart from that, we did hand-strengthening exercises (play-do etc.) and tried not to be obsessive about writing. We did most school work orally, only introducing written exercises slowly. Things started to come together seriously when Calvin was about eleven. Now, at fifteen, he writes fine, just a bit slowly.


I wouldn't worry for now: keep the practice going, but don't make a big deal of it.



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