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MFW: High school

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(Crystal and Julie) Brett was not in Cincy. Dave was there however I was not impressed with him. ;)Anyway I did buy their baby (CTG, AHL and US2 exclusive items from MFW.




I am wondering why there are very little Great book readings that year compaged to AHL. I am adding a big portion of WTM into this program. (I have no regrets switching to MFW at all!!) Also add SWB writing literary anaylisis and research papers. We will not do the speech portion as he will take that in dual credit college (if he gets accepted). Love that they have a geography portion but will beef it up by adding reviews of previous geo terms, states/capital as well as location of states. How did you incorporate more WTM into MFW? I was not able to do this with TOG but with MFW I kNOW it is doable!! Yay!!




I would love to use SWB Hisotry of the ancient world along with Notgrass or as a replacement of Notgrass. The jury is still out on that. Any thoughts? Let me know....Love their lit prgrams!! Still will add a bit more of WTM stuff there.




I know this is not high school but if you have used this before I can use your input.

I am not liking the jewish study in Creation to Greeks. Will have to talk to hubby about that to see if we can modify. We do not believe Jewish customs has a place in our religion or studies of Bible. I still would get the Journey through Bible for now. The feast I will have to discuss with my hubby. He takes the leardership role of Bible readings and study in our family. (no I am not a doormat here but in my belief the husband should take a role in leading the family in Bible study....Yes all of us takes turn reading scripture and give our input. Otherwise our marriage is pretty equal -just in case you are wondering)


The latin portion: Did you use English from Roots up per MFW or did you follow WTM way of Latin? My boys are doing full latin program and spanish program.




I know about the grid and most do photocopy this and put it in their students notebooks with corresponding sheets for that week. Did you do it that way or did you do something different?


I am getting really excited in using this program. There are cons to this program but it will fit our family best because I feel like I CAN incorporate more of WTM teachings/philosophies into the program much easier than TOG.


My CTG daugther will use SWB's writing and English program (WWE and FLL). I am considering adding SOTW. :) Pros and cons??


Note: I know about MFW message board. I prefer to ask these kinds of questions here and feel much more comfortable doing it here due to the nature of my question (It could be offensive to some on MFW board)





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no offense on the questions. I tend to answer pretty much the same on any forum. and I'm a board hog on mfw board. ;)


however, I don't have a ton of time right now..... but didn't want to ignore you...


I'll have to look closer at US2 to remember the reading list. I know it was select around 9 novels in one semester. In theory they matched historical time frame, but you can use any list really in that year.

Oh yeah... they have suggestions for more geography on their website. Over the course of 4 years, US 2 provides .25 credit. They prefer the "culture and missions" approach for more geography if needed.. and yeah, in the full four years scope and sequence, way more Lit analysis is done in years 1 and 3 in high school. Then a "stobaugh literatuare review" approach is taken in US 2.



CTG feasts: in my family, it was more about hands on learning of Jewish customs much along the lines of studying with hands on projects in ancient Greece, Rome, or Egypt. If nothing else, it's interesting to read the information in the book and see some of those feasts even metioned in New Testament. So it was an academic thing. Talk with him and see how he feels and thinks about it in terms of just understand the symbolism. Some families don't do the feasts as hands on stuff. I'll have to link to some stuff we did (well, it was the girls and me as my dh was living in the new city already... we were apart for 2 months so he could start his new job and not lose insurance benefits and I could stay back in Indiana and sell house and finish out our lives there socially and school.) But.. even if you don't do them as one time activities, y'all consider the idea of reading it as commentary and academic stuff.


here is one link.. I had fun



but it was one shot deal for us. Not to make us "jewish"... but just to understand a bit of culture.


got to agree with you....David can be a hit or miss kind of guy in personality. no big deal there. giggle.. if it weren't for Bret, I don't think David and I would have learned to get along better. giggle. we can tolerate each other for 20 minutes at a time now. :lol::lol: 3 years apart. LOL LOL LOL.


AHL: I have to admit that I haven't reviewed SBW's book well enough to know easy way to use it. But, honestly,I think it will be easy to do that at least in some sections. Or even call something like "high school book basket" kind of thing in Ancients. you could put Notgrass in there! LOL


Latin: we did just roots. Neither my dh or I wanted to do full Latin. We preferred roots approach over full language appraoch. One lady on here, dhudson, does full Latin and MFW.


grid: nah.. I didn't copy to do that with notebook. Never thought about that route. sounds interesting. whatever works, right?


SOTW vol 1 in CTG: the typical thing that works for people is to put SOTW in book basket.


in general... doing more WTM in MFW.... I'll have to get back a bit... I was surprised I even logged in here tonight..... now I'm needing to get to a party with in laws... sigh....


oh.. I wish dhudson had some time to answer. She helps MFW during convention season and I get the idea she doesn't like to post here because of that. But she's more WTM than I am.



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I guess we can take the approach of reading and not doing activities. Reading about it would be fine but the actual doing of these hubby will have a serious issue with as will I.


So how do you plan then, Crystal? I know you are busy so I can wait day or two or more. Lol at the David comment. He really did not hit it all with me and I came away thinking I was the idiot. sigh! The other fella that was there was much nicer but couldn't help me at all as he didn't do high school stuff.







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that's fine to not do the feasts. I feel like talking about me for a moment... one of those moments where I need to feel like I did something fun. I can remember with one of the feasts where they live in booths.... We used that day as an excuse to make a fort from blankets and have a snack in the fort and read our school books.... so you can tell I didn't get into the feasts, but just used it for hands on learning and some time to play in a blanket fort. , or the passover seder. we did subs on food just to have props in front of us while reading. for the bitter thing - I used coffee bean. for us it really was all about props while reading, not "doing the feasts". but I'm just rambling about me.. My children needed the props to help with understanding of the readings. and it was cool to see the OT connections... but I'm rambling... sorry..


how do I plan? not very well or pretty or any of that. I know for the US 1 and US 2 lesson plans, I do intend to copy those for next child. Up until now, it's worked for me to just pencil things in the grid. that's my planning. kinda lame sounding, isn't it? just pencil in the grid. I use the mfw stuff to do school. so, in jr. high... reading will have the older books, and progeny press guide listend (just do the next page..)

PLL and ILL - penciled in with child's initial and lesson number.

science and math - stuff like that, I use the pre printed lesson plans from mfw.


but I write in my books and they sit there on the shelf.


ideas to add in more WTM at least in logic (ok.. I admit it... I never read the rhetoric sections all those years ago.... I admit it! I never thought I'd homeschool in that stage eek!!!! so I don't really add WTM to high school.. I'm dumb, I know it.... ) in logic stage, with CTG, you'll want to do more outlining instead of narration only. Do the reports that are mentioned in the intro of CTG but then not mentioned again.

here is one idea



notebooking - in MFW that's very individualized, so, add in those more classical feels there. I never did the WTM notebook tabs.. I'm really lame at this, right? We just filed stuff in order we did it. didn't have those 9 tabs to sort it all.


don't worry about david.. he doesn't intend to make anyone feel stupid. I don't get along with him either, but I know he has apologized to me for dumb things he has said and he meant the apology. Lots of people don't like me in real life either. So... it all evens out.


hopefully Julie will see this and be able to talk more intelligently on WTM and high school MFW than I can.



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I feel like talking about me for a moment... but I'm just rambling about me.. but I'm rambling... sorry..


You are very very funny!!!! :lol::lol:


how do I plan? not very well or pretty or any of that. I know for the US 1 and US 2 lesson plans, I do intend to copy those for next child. Up until now, it's worked for me to just pencil things in the grid. that's my planning. kinda lame sounding, isn't it? NO!! It works for you!! just pencil in the grid. I use the mfw stuff to do school.


but I write in my books and they sit there on the shelf. Are you talking about the TMs that the student uses from MFW or your own books mean what?;)


so I don't really add WTM to high school.. I'm dumb, I know itLOL!! ) in logic stage, with CTG, you'll want to do more outlining instead of narration only. That is one of the things I goofed up on with my oldest kids....too much narration not enough outlining. Do the reports that are mentioned in the intro of CTGI didn't see this. I need to look at that again. I spent an hour going through the book Friday. during my dead time at work but then not mentioned again.

here is one idea

http://board.mfwbooks.com/viewtopic.php?f=26&t=4775&p=59996&hilit=reports#p59996 Thanks!! checking it out right now


notebooking - in MFW that's very individualized, so, add in those more classical feels there. I never did the WTM notebook tabs..Me neither even when we did TOTAL wtm in the grammar years before TOG and my job I'm really lame at this, right? hee hee again you are cracking me up!! I love this conversation.We just filed stuff in order we did it. didn't have those 9 tabs to sort it all.


Thanks in regards to David. I thought it was me that had a problem so I am glad others feel the same way Lots of people don't like me in real life either. So... it all evens out. I think you and I would get along very well in real life...too bad you are not in INdiana. Wanna move here? Not very many people like me in real life either. :)


hopefully Julie will see this and be able to talk more intelligently on WTM and high school MFW than I can. You did great!! Hopefully Julie and the other gal you mentioned will chime in and add to your posts which was great btw!!!




Holly who posted in red!!

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I used to live in Indiana..... sniff.. then... well.. job loss, new job and we're here. Lived in "big red country" for 15 years. 12 of which my dh worked at IU. then he went into private industry.... sigh... 2009 economy... sigh.... anyway...


agreeing about bret... he just is that nice person who is gifted by God to encourage others. he just is. it's not that David and I have knock down drag out fights or anything.. it's just personalities on us. I'm just glad in heaven we'll get along.

probably. ;) :D


oh.. I meant, I write in the teacher's manuals and check the boxes on them, and that stuff.



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Hi guys, it looks like you've ironed everything out? Just in case, I'll chat, too.



I am wondering why there are very little Great book readings that year compaged to AHL. I am adding a big portion of WTM into this program. (I have no regrets switching to MFW at all!!) Also add SWB writing literary anaylisis and research papers. We will not do the speech portion as he will take that in dual credit college (if he gets accepted). Love that they have a geography portion but will beef it up by adding reviews of previous geo terms, states/capital as well as location of states. How did you incorporate more WTM into MFW? I was not able to do this with TOG but with MFW I kNOW it is doable!! Yay!!

I get the feeling that Marie's 12th grade plans are starting to let the student go a bit in Bible and literature, maybe as prep for adulthood or as a way to give room for students to start delving into their own bents such as taking early college courses, college exams, mentorships, or a last-minute boost some skills that are lacking in the particular student? Crystal has the set and I don't. But there are definitely more student choices there than the other 3 years of high school.


I see guidance there, for student and parent, but I see more choices. I have a feeling that I will have *plenty* of ideas to fill in any gaps. My son has a book club, we like Teaching Company lectures, etc etc.


As far as the geography, I think 0.25 credit is included. My son is earning the 0.25 credit in WHL, too. If you don't have enough, you could always add in the mapping from the AHL package (several map studies are part of the AHL history credit, but most of the book is used for the WHL 0.25 geo credit).



I would love to use SWB Hisotry of the ancient world along with Notgrass or as a replacement of Notgrass. The jury is still out on that. Any thoughts? Let me know....Love their lit prgrams!! Still will add a bit more of WTM stuff there.

I think you could fit in some SWB in place of Notgrass, but it won't be a lot, since most of Notgrass is assigned during WHL. I have the SWB here somewhere, but can't remember offhand how much of it covers creation through Greece. If you want to read a lot of SWB, then you could also use it when optional lit is assigned in AHL.


I did a little switch-a-roo here & there in AHL (we used TTC lectures, we read Oedipus, etc), but it was more work to grade than if I had just stuck to the plan :)



I know this is not high school but if you have used this before I can use your input.

I am not liking the jewish study in Creation to Greeks. Will have to talk to hubby about that to see if we can modify. We do not believe Jewish customs has a place in our religion or studies of Bible. I still would get the Journey through Bible for now. The feast I will have to discuss with my hubby. He takes the leardership role of Bible readings and study in our family. (no I am not a doormat here but in my belief the husband should take a role in leading the family in Bible study....Yes all of us takes turn reading scripture and give our input. Otherwise our marriage is pretty equal -just in case you are wondering)


The latin portion: Did you use English from Roots up per MFW or did you follow WTM way of Latin? My boys are doing full latin program and spanish program.

You can adapt, as Crystal already said. I'll just say that we experienced the feasts in different ways (went to a messianic service for a couple, attended Passover at a Jewish home, built the tent in our family room), and all of them helped us really be in-the-moment with parts of Jesus' life, and I personally was awed at how the plan for Jesus was set in motion so many years before. e.g. the distance from Passover, through the 49 days of Counting the Omar (which we "celebrated" by gluing grain onto a card, and waking each morning to a "shofar" which was my son blowing on a glass coke bottle, and making the annoucement to Rise... whatever it was), to the Festival of Weeks on the 50th (Pente-) day which was Pentecost (not sure if we did anything for that feast, as it was after the school year ended, I think). Yes, we read about those things in AHL, but we *experienced* the connections in CTG. Hope that wasn't more than you needed to know :tongue_smilie:


And yes, we did all the Bible reading in CTG (and AHL) together as a family.


We only did the EFRU Latin in CTG and RTR. Now in high school, my son is thinking about adding a Latin college class in 11th grade - which I would never have guessed in a million years. Anyways, lots of ways to do that.



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The biggest issue I have is that Indiana Core 40 do NOT recognize Bible as an elective or a course so I can't add that to my son's transcript for high school as they are not going into religion or christian studies in college. They are going into med field (drs- one wants to be general pratice and other wants speciality but not sure where).


So I have to beef up US2 for oldest son to qualify as credit for core 40 Indiana Law as well as english credit according to core 40 is lit and writing base.


That is the issue I had and I told David that in Cincy and that is where he gave me the look ....I just shut my mouth and moved on. :D Talked to a friend about this and she said anybody outside of Indiana do not understand Bible is not a course recognized by Core 40 unless you are going to theology or religion studies in college.


So Bible in MFW for us is back seat to history. That is why I need to beef up English and history.


I should have said this in the first place. :D:D (smacking head here!!) LOL!


Crystal has ben a great help!! Julie....After your post I realized I needed to explain Indiana Core 40 a bit. :) Thanks you Julie!! :)Yes I would love to hash this out more. :)


How to add WTM to MFW to beef it up but not overdo it, kwim?




Edited by Holly IN
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The biggest issue I have is that Indiana Core 40 do NOT recognize Bible as an elective or a course so I can't add that to my son's transcript for high school as they are not going into religion or christian studies in college. They are going into med field (drs- one wants to be general pratice and other wants speciality but not sure where).



You have totally lost me here. Maybe Crystal can help, since she lived in Indiana in the past?


In Minnesota, I provide my own transcript, and I have my own requirements, just like any private school. So are you saying that Catholic or Lutheran private schools in Indiana cannot require Bible courses for electives? Or that there is no room on his transcript for non-essential electives because you have to do tons of essential electives?


I mean, my son also is interested in medicine at this early date. However, his undergrad degree can virtually be in any area. And within that undergrad degree, there is room for electives in virtually any area. Below are some courses available at the University of Minnesota in their Classical and Near East Studies dept. I'm really not trying to do overkill, but this is just a portion of the Bible-related courses that could be applied to a U of M premed undergraduate degree, or often could be taken as dual enrollment in high school, and of course might be courses I teach in my private homeschool :)





CNES 1001 - World of the Bible: Religions, Empires, and Discourses of Power (AH)


CNES 1082 - Jesus in History


CNES 1201 - The Bible: Context and Interpretation (LITR)


CNES 3070 - Topics in Ancient Religion


CNES 3072 - The New Testament


CNES 3073 - Roman Religion and Early Christianity


CNES 3076 - Apostle Paul: Life, Letters, and Legacy


CNES 3107 - Age of Constantine the Great


CNES 3108 - Age of St. Augustine of Hippo


CNES 3201 - The Bible: Context and Interpretation (LITR)


CNES 3202 - Prophecy in Ancient Israel


CNES 3203 - The Bible: Wisdom, Poetry, and Apocalyptic


CNES 3502 - Ancient Israel: From Conquest to Exile


CNES 3503 - History and Development of Israelite Religion I


CNES 3535 - Death and the Afterlife in the Ancient World (AH)


CNES 5080 - New Testament Proseminar

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Core 40 change started 8 years ago. Bible is officially out esp if you are majoring anything other than bible for college. All electives have to be directed to career path.


We have to follow Core 40 by law and by Indiana colleges admission requirement except for Christain colleges. This applies to private and homeschoolers. Yes Homeschoolers are private schoolers in Indiana but we still have to follow Core 40 law. ;)


Holly (off to bed...maybe I can make more sense in morning)

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I would have given you the same look about Core 40 and general electives. ;)


just sayin... I understand now where David was coming from. :) ready to give me a few looks. ok... :001_smile::001_smile:


Indiana is the only state I know of that counts "credits" as semesters. So, let's start over...

mfw credit = 2 semesters. or 2 Indiana credits. (that's an obvious but needs to be said just because it is an Indiana oddity)


US 2 - the English for whole year is 2 semesters. You don't have to fluff it out to meet core 40.



Are you saying Christian schools in Indiana aren't "allowed" to have Bible courses? hmm.. that's what it sounds like you have typed. But you were sleepy, so it's ok if it just came out wrong.

I dont' think that's the case at all. or that IU or Purdue will count it against an applicant? hmm... I'm surfing websites of local Christian schools from where I lived in Indiana... they still offer Bible as requirement in high school.


Those CORE 40 are "minimums" and and, you can still have free electives even with the latest revisions starting for 2016. Even if we say that Core 40 is Law... well.. career electives are "recommended", not required in that law. (edit to clarify... no. homeschoolers are not required by law to follow Core 40. you need to meet college entrance requirements and those will be similar to core 40, but uhm... )


The history in US 2 is half year credit in American history. If your senior needs full credit... start that BJU book now. consider CLEP study too.


It's minimums of what colleges are looking for in "core" classes, not a restriction that private and parochial school cannot offer other.


You don't have to list it on transcript if you don't want to.


but take a look at the current Core 40 chart that kinda makes it clear that

Schools may have additional local graduation requirements that apply to all students and that "career electives" are RECOMMENDED, not "required" nor restricted. Look on the chart, left side, bottom...




and if you find the one that applies to 2016 and later, it says the same thing.


If nothing else on those 11th and 12th grade MFW bible.... you can list it as "life skills disciplines" for elective. Or list it as "ethics course". Ethics courses will be good on transcript for medical professionals.


We'll agree to disagree that Bible is "out" in Indiana as general elective. Or that colleges are going to look down on it if you have a few extra than even the 47 "credits" in honors.


sorry to be giving you a look like David did. :lol: but Core 40 is public school requirements for graduation. Colleges will be looking for those as minimums of entrance. and it doesn't mean that colleges will look down upon Bible/religion electives.


check this...

IU website... for homeschool admissions



struggling with Purdue's website this morning.... or I'd link to it. and I'm reading Rose Hulman, Notre Dame...



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I would have given you the same look about Core 40 and general electives. ;)


just sayin... I understand now where David was coming from. :) ready to give me a few looks. ok... :001_smile::001_smile:


Indiana is the only state I know of that counts "credits" as semesters. So, let's start over...

mfw credit = 2 semesters. or 2 Indiana credits. (that's an obvious but needs to be said just because it is an Indiana oddity)


US 2 - the English for whole year is 2 semesters. You don't have to fluff it out to meet core 40.



Are you saying Christian schools in Indiana aren't "allowed" to have Bible courses? hmm.. that's what it sounds like you have typed. But you were sleepy, so it's ok if it just came out wrong.

I dont' think that's the case at all. or that IU or Purdue will count it against an applicant? hmm... I'm surfing websites of local Christian schools from where I lived in Indiana... they still offer Bible as requirement in high school.


Those CORE 40 are "minimums" and and, you can still have free electives even with the latest revisions starting for 2016. Even if we say that Core 40 is Law... well.. career electives are "recommended", not required in that law. (edit to clarify... no. homeschoolers are not required by law to follow Core 40. you need to meet college entrance requirements and those will be similar to core 40, but uhm... )


The history in US 2 is half year credit in American history. If your senior needs full credit... start that BJU book now. consider CLEP study too.


It's minimums of what colleges are looking for in "core" classes, not a restriction that private and parochial school cannot offer other.


You don't have to list it on transcript if you don't want to.


but take a look at the current Core 40 chart that kinda makes it clear that

Schools may have additional local graduation requirements that apply to all students and that "career electives" are RECOMMENDED, not "required" nor restricted. Look on the chart, left side, bottom...




and if you find the one that applies to 2016 and later, it says the same thing.


If nothing else on those 11th and 12th grade MFW bible.... you can list it as "life skills disciplines" for elective. Or list it as "ethics course". Ethics courses will be good on transcript for medical professionals.


We'll agree to disagree that Bible is "out" in Indiana as general elective. Or that colleges are going to look down on it if you have a few extra than even the 47 "credits" in honors.


sorry to be giving you a look like David did. :lol: but Core 40 is public school requirements for graduation. Colleges will be looking for those as minimums of entrance. and it doesn't mean that colleges will look down upon Bible/religion electives.


check this...

IU website... for homeschool admissions



struggling with Purdue's website this morning.... or I'd link to it. and I'm reading Rose Hulman, Notre Dame...




This is our exact situation in IN. We are not required by law to follow the Core 40. Public schools do have to follow it, though. Private schools still grant credits for bible each year of high school.

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I didn't mean to say Christian schools can't have Bible. However the accredited ones is a big question mark. They can't use religion based materials (Have friends in our local Christain school that is accredited and that is her big pet peeve).


Colleges in Indiana require all entrance to have done the Core 40 program and high remarks are given for HOnors core 40 (47).


I think I will regret opening this can of worms. ;)


Maybe we can get back to how to add WTB without being too much....:D


Sorry for even bringing it up. :tongue_smilie:



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In regards to Bible....we feel that is lifelong thing that we want our kids to get into habit of. So we do Bible every night and then the kids have their own Bible time.


Btw the boys will be going through Summit high school Worldview program this summer while I am gone workig 1st shift this summer.


I know we are weird like that. I will look into making an ethic course. I will look into that. That sounds like a very nice title!!:D



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I think I will regret opening this can of worms. ;)


Sorry for even bringing it up. :tongue_smilie:


No need to be sorry, Holly.


I just have a concern for new high school homeschoolers who read these threads, too. I'd hate for someone to go away thinking that a scholarly transcript cannot include credits for studying the ancient text of the Bible. It is just as recognized and scholarly as studying Homer or Shakespeare.


Oh, and accreditation is something schools seek from accreditors. There are secular accreditation societies but also Christian and Catholic accreditors.


Anyways, of course we each do things differently. Your family might include tons of Bible study but simply not put it on the transcript; others might not require it at all. I realize now that you aren't worried about that topic!




And I did try to answer the other part of your question earlier on :) Is there more to chat about there?



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I get the feeling that Marie's 12th grade plans are starting to let the student go a bit in Bible and literature, maybe as prep for adulthood or as a way to give room for students to start delving into their own bents such as taking early college courses, college exams, mentorships, or a last-minute boost some skills that are lacking in the particular student? Very true and such is the case for my son if he gets accepted will take speech this summer, biopsych this fall then English 101 next Spring and next summer he is not sure what he will take. Crystal has the set and I don't. But there are definitely more student choices there than the other 3 years of high school.


I see guidance there, for student and parent, but I see more choices. big plus in my book which is why I want to add rhetoric version and great book version of WTM/WEM to the program. I just do not want to do overkill....kwim?I have a feeling that I will have *plenty* of ideas to fill in any gaps. My son has a book club, we like Teaching Company lectures, etc etc.


As far as the geography, I think 0.25 credit is included. My son is earning the 0.25 credit in WHL, too. If you don't have enough, you could always add in the mapping from the AHL package (several map studies are part of the AHL history credit, but most of the book is used for the WHL 0.25 geo credit).I plan to do that. Indiana is also picky about geography. :glare:



I think you could fit in some SWB in place of Notgrass, but it won't be a lot, since most of Notgrass is assigned during WHL. I have the SWB here somewhere, but can't remember offhand how much of it covers creation through Greece. If you want to read a lot of SWB, then you could also use it when optional lit is assigned in AHL. So using SWB book would be overkill if I also use Notgrass?? Or use Notgrass then use SWB book for fun?


I did a little switch-a-roo here & there in AHL (we used TTC lectures, we read Oedipus, etc), but it was more work to grade than if I had just stuck to the plan :)



You can adapt, as Crystal already said.

Thanks! We decided we will just read about it and not do the actual feast so with that in mind...do we really need to get the Celebrate the feast book??


And yes, we did all the Bible reading in CTG (and AHL) together as a family.


We only did the EFRU Latin in CTG and RTR. Now in high school, my son is thinking about adding a Latin college class in 11th grade - which I would never have guessed in a million years. Anyways, lots of ways to do that.

Latin in high school is a big plus for medical field. :)




Writing: I do not think us2 is not requiring enough writing (well from what I am looking at....if this is not true please please tell me where it is at because I have looked at the tm and I only found a very few handful that is it!










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feast book: you'll need that to read and discuss the material. yes you need that one.



writing in US2.... well.. in the scope and sequence in mfw, they get through a lot of writing instruction by end of US 1 and then take clep... so hmm.. it might be the case it looks less...


I'll take a closer look and see what I see.... one of those weird conversations yesterday that my dh and I were having on the drive back from in laws was about high school writing. and how he didn't do as much writing in 9th and 10th as our kid has done... hmmm.....


maybe it's a matter not of what's in US2 (without having done previous years), but rather, what skills did you cover in 9th-11th with other programs?


have you covered various writing skills in something like Writer's inc?


let me look through the program as a whole. Sometimes...it's not just the writing in English, but the big picture from lab reports, to writing out the bible/worldview (ethics. giggle) and writing all the time in econ course...


very gently here...

for the geography

core 40 says

2 credits (and that means semesters):

World History/Civilization

or Geography/History of the World.


So if you have 1 full year of World history from TOG, you are covered, no? any map work in there? you did TOG ancients and world?


would any of MFW's ideas help on that?

there's the map work in WHL (or anything you did in TOG) plus maps in US2. add that together to equal 1 semester (or one INdiana credit) then for the other semester....


Geography – Suggested Additional Activities

To earn a full-year credit (to meet state requirements or personal learning goals), plan to add an additional 75 hours of work throughout the year (or in second semester if you are not completing the Economics course). Suggested additional work:

1. Read one missionary biography per quarter (four total) and write a one-page personal reaction to each book. Suggested biographies are Bruchko, The Narrow Road, Peace Child, and I Dared to Call Him Father (available from My Father’s World in the Exploring Countries and Cultures 7th and 8th Grade Supplement).

2. Take a pre-test for identifying the locations and names of countries, major rivers, etc. Then set a goal with your parent/teacher for memorizing a certain number of them. Work on your goal until achieved. (The Geography Game in Exploring Countries and Cultures may be used.)

3. Read/study general geography books found at your library. Another option: BJU has a year-long course with multiple components. Consider reading through just the textbook, Cultural Geography for Christian Schools.



this is already long.. I'll look again at the writing in us 2. A lot of the writing is in the "novel summaries" which can be any length you need. it's ala stobaugh on that... more in a bit..



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feast book: you'll need that to read and discuss the material. yes you need that one.



maybe it's a matter not of what's in US2 (without having done previous years), but rather, what skills did you cover in 9th-11th with other programs?

This boy in particular has written a lot of essays. No research paper yet. He should have already written one for this current school year according to SWB so he knows it is coming. :D

have you covered various writing skills in something like Writer's inc?

No Writer's Ink (yet maybe??) He did the Lively Art of Writing which he loved. He also did IEW which he HATED. He did the Elegant Essay by IEW. He said it is ok. He loves SWB way of writing. He did do alot of writing in TOG (I had to add more to it as I felt it wasn't enough...)

let me look through the program as a whole. Sometimes...it's not just the writing in English, but the big picture from lab reports, to writing out the bible/worldview (ethics. giggle) and writing all the time in econ course...I didn't see this with Econ....hhhmmm that def will change things for me if this is the case.


So if you have 1 full year of World history from TOG, you are covered, no? any map work in there? you did TOG ancients and world? Yes we did TOG 1, 2 and 3 maps...so he more than met his geo requirement however my PET PEEVE with TOG is they do not touch on US current geo. (that is done in Yr 4) so I would like to touch on Current US geo.


would any of MFW's ideas help on that? Def will have to look at the TM more. :D I must have not read that closely enough. I went through it with a fine tooth comb 3 times. I still miss something each time.

there's the map work in WHL (or anything you did in TOG) plus maps in US2. add that together to equal 1 semester (or one INdiana credit) then for the other semester....

That is a heads up for my other son upcoming freshman. :D




this is already long..Trust me I love long!! ;) I'll look again at the writing in us 2. Thank you !! I too will look at it again tonight.A lot of the writing is in the "novel summaries" which can be any length you need. it's ala stobaugh on that... more in a bit..




Thanks!! Holly

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oops.. I meant writing in speech...

I wrote Econ.. there is writing in econ.. in the activity guide.


but oh dear.. I'm just not a good writer. :lol:


sounds like you've done lots of top stuff!


In the English section for writing, they do about 9 novels in one semester. Each novel will have a rhetoric level written summary for it. Those guidelines are in the back of the planner. It looks a lot like what Stobaugh does. so, if stobaugh thinks it's big and fancy... ;)


And of course, the research paper. blah...


Then, of course for second semester, with the speech side of the English credit, there is a lot of written work for doing a speech. and they write several of those in the semester. I was just looking at some of that. research and writing there... wow...


In Bible section, some writing will come through the journaling.


If you see a need for more grammar review, consider something like Easy Grammar Ultimate series.


I tell ya.... going through it like this on a day like today.. I'm seeing more and more and more in that US2 book... and the bju activity book has more writing opportunities.


did I write that much in high school? I probably did. I was younger then..


the more I look at it.. I understand why at glance level I thought it didn't have a lot in it, but then on closer look, I'm seeing the writing across curriculum, I'm seeing the English stuff...



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oops.. I meant writing in speech...

I wrote Econ.. there is writing in econ.. in the activity guide.


but oh dear.. I'm just not a good writer. :lol:


sounds like you've done lots of top stuff!


In the English section for writing, they do about 9 novels in one semester. Each novel will have a rhetoric level written summary Why a summary? Why not a lit anaylsis via WTM which is more classically bent than the summary??for it. Those guidelines are in the back of the planner.Guess I didn't go back far enough in the book. ;)oops It looks a lot like what Stobaugh does. so, if stobaugh thinks it's big and fancy... ;) He is not classically minded though ??


And of course, the research paper. blah...hee hee guess you are not a fan of this. I remember doing lots of research papers in my honors classes in high school. We had no tests or homework but research papers. :)


Then, of course for second semester, with the speech side of the English credit, there is a lot of written work for doing a speech. He will get that in dual CC speech if he gets accepted.


If you see a need for more grammar review, consider something like Easy Grammar Ultimate series. He is doing Analytical Grammar and he is almost done. He will do the essay series (only 4 times this fall)

I tell ya.... going through it like this on a day like today.. I'm seeing more and more and more in that US2 book... and the bju activity book has more writing opportunities.dEf will have to take all this with me to Starbucks with a Venti mocha and go over these again. :D


the more I look at it.. I understand why at glance level I thought it didn't have a lot in it, but then on closer look, I'm seeing the writing across curriculum, I'm seeing the English stuff... Def makes sense to me as I had the same reaction.





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oh, I guess I kinda thought stobaugh was in the classical bent. He sure presents as such to me. or maybe just "rigor". he's all about wanting homeschoolers to get into and succeed in Harvard and super top notch stuff. He's got his fancy phd and has been prof in various english departments in major places.


I guess I just see the elements of analysis in the summaries differently. or at least in the 4 year plan, with heavy analysis in year 1 and 3... a slightly different approach in year 4 to cover more novels.


so, even though it doesn't write it out the way it was in Writers' Inc.. I get the impression that we'll pull out our Writer's Inc book to do those summary pieces in character analysis writings, plot, theme, worldview. use those sections with the lit analysis terms.


the other option, especially with not having done the US 1 lit analysis book, could be to select to do 2 progeny press guides or something. so instead of a summary style of analysis, you could use progeny press guide for Gatsby, or Kill a Mockingbird, or call of wild, or something.



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oh, I guess I kinda thought stobaugh was in the classical bent. I never thought he was but if he is I am mistaken and will apologize:D He sure presents as such to me. or maybe just "rigor". That is what I consider him is more rigorious.... he's all about wanting homeschoolers to get into and succeed in Harvard and super top notch stuff. He's got his fancy phd and has been prof in various english departments in major places. That is good to know.


I guess I just see the elements of analysis in the summaries differently. or at least in the 4 year plan, with heavy analysis in year 1 and 3... a slightly different approach in year 4 to cover more novels. That is a very good point Crystal!! Something I haven't considered yet. Perhaps I can do a split assignment on that 1/2 of books summaraize and other half lit anaylsis.


so, even though it doesn't write it out the way it was in Writers' Inc.. I get the impression that we'll pull out our Writer's Inc book to do those summary pieces in character analysis writings, plot, theme, worldview. use those sections with the lit analysis terms.Perhaps I need to invest in Writer's Ink!! :D




Thanks again.



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I would love to use SWB Hisotry of the ancient world along with Notgrass or as a replacement of Notgrass. The jury is still out on that. Any thoughts? Let me know....Love their lit prgrams!! Still will add a bit more of WTM stuff there.



Hi Holly,


I just skimmed the posts in your thread and really can't offer much of anything here - but I wanted to say that I am looking to use AHL next year with my rising 9th grader and have been thinking of adding in SWB's book, too. I don't have a copy and have only looked at samples. I am not sure how it will work schedule-wise. I also have Spielvogel's world history book (Human Odyssey) and was thinking of adding in the appropriate chapters to beef up the Notgrass - it is only about 110 pages or so...going from beg-Greeks...a very manageable amount to add in to ahl. Either way - I like the idea of making these books part of a book basket.

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