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What is there other than Motivated Moms?

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I'm in a place where I need someone to tell me what to do to help me stay on track. I know there is Motivated Moms, but what else is there? I'd like something printable.


Bootcamp For Lousy Housekeepers? Managers of Their Homes?


My problem is always that the "someone to tell me what to do" seems to have different rooms and "stuff" than we do. I end up ignoring half of it while the rooms/stuff we have goes to h3ll in a handbasket. Sigh.


(I have no idea why I quoted you. As if I'm replying to someone else? I blame my husband for drinking all the coffee. :D )

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I loved the idea of motivated moms, but it didn't work for me either. I needed something simpler. I now use this mothers routine which is simple and repeats http://dawnathome.typepad.com/by_sun_and_candlelight/2012/03/housekeeping-rhythm-routines.html and check out her whole blog too, she has a lot of good ideas. Her folder system is amazing, although to elaborate for me.

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