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I'm in a power struggle with my 2yo - help.

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He had two bowls of cereal this morning and then he asked me to pour him some more. He even brought the box over. I poured him a little more, added milk, and put his bowl down.


He hasn't eaten any of it and is trying to get down from his chair. I told him that he had just asked for more and that it would be a waste to throw it away so he had to eat it. He is chanting:


"I don't wike the cereal mom. Mommy! I don't wike the cereal!"


I said, "Eat two bites and you can go." He just keeps chanting.


Is there a way to extract us from this situation gracefully? We're at a stalemate.

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At two I'd let it go, and be very careful about "more" in the future. Their little tummies get full before their eyes do.




My littles routinely ask for more and then can't eat it. I would definitely explain in future to not ask for more if he can't eat it. It might take a few times, but he'll catch on.

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He'd thank you both if he could. Poor guy. I told him he could get down and that he didn't have to eat any more cereal. He got down from his chair, said, "thanks", and came over to give me a hug.


We deal with the more issue often and I always talk to him about it but let him go. This time I thought I'd try and get him to follow through with what more means. I don't pour much when he asks for more (especially by the third bowl!) but I want him to start thinking that when he asks for more he actually has to eat some of it.

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At two I'd let it go, and be very careful about "more" in the future. Their little tummies get full before their eyes do.
:iagree: The one battle I'd never pick was food because of the potential of setting up the habit of struggling over it. Small portions with lots of seconds (can you have lots of seconds? :) ) helped us.
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In this type of situation, I would make sure to set the standard the next time around. However, once the expectation is made known, then I am almost like a brick wall...a "loving" and "firm" brick wall, that is.


Usually, we make it known to a little one during meal times that they can have all they want, but they must eat all they take. Now a 2 yo is not going to have the logic to figure that out.


If it were a cereal situation, I'd make sure to be sitting there with the little guy and eating or drinking coffee. Before serving the meal, I'd say "Little 2 yob, you may have a bowl of cereal and some toast. We also have fruit available." The servings should be very small and completely eaten before seconds. Small serving quantities are usually enough for most toddlers.


If my child refused to eat his one serving of cereal, I would not make too big of an issue of it. However, if he asked for a snack an hour later, I would refuse it. If a child isn't eating his meals, a snack would only reinforce that behavior. I'd say "2 yob, you may not have a snack. If you do not eat your meal, there is no snack." If your child is being very stubborn, I would keep the food that wasn't eaten and tell him that he is to eat it if he wants a snack. Using few words w/ great impact will be heard more by a 2 yo than a long-winded speech full of the why's and why nots of eating food, kwim?


Overall, food is not a big issue in our house, but there are home rules when it comes to wasting and being gluttonous. We have not seen any unhealthy eating habits or obsessions w/ food in our children so far. Our children know that they may not have dessert or snack is they do not eat their meals. This rule stays in effect even when hot fudge sundaes are the snack du jour.


I believe that doing this all in a loving manner is always a good idea.





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