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Anyone else trying to get on the exercise wagon?

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I have always hated to exercise. But now that I'm losing weight and am middle age with certain medical risk factors, I'm not seeing a choice any longer. I joined the YMCA and do strength training. I really like working on the machines. I do cardio at home. Well, I'm supposed to be doing cardio at home but I alway have something else to do. :tongue_smilie: I'm supposed to be doing strength training 2 days per week and cardio 4 days per week. I get one day off for good behavior. I haven't yet made it through a whole week though. My week begins on a Tuesday because of my WW weigh-in. So far I've done 2 days of cardio in a row! I'm so proud of myself. I'm trying to get psyched up to get through my week. I would like to reward myself but the only reward I can think of is food, which is not good.


How do you make yourself exercise regularly when you really hate it? :)


Oh, and I've had people suggest I find something I like but so far, no luck. I do like the strength training but that's because I feel important using those cool machines at the Y. It's the cardio stuff that I don't like, and that's the most important part! Basically, I'm trying to just accept it and just try to get through 30 minutes each workout. It seems to last forever!!

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For me - it had to become a habit. Every other day no matter what. More if I had time.

It was almost like I had a non-negotiable appointment with myself that I couldn't cancel. When I am very consistent, it doesn't feel as difficult to go, and it certainly isn't as painful!

I had a horrible time getting back to exercising after both of my knee surgeries. I had to take so much time off, that it was excruciating to get back going again!

ETA - I could never do it 6 days a week like you are....

I have to do the cardio and weights at the same time. I do cardio for 30 minutes (eliptical, rowing machine- before knee surgery :( ), and then go through the weight machines. Takes longer - but then you don't have to go as often!

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Are there any group fitness classes that you could try? Taking classes gets me excited to go to the gym. I enjoy chatting with the other participants and the instructors before/after class and the workout is so much better than climbing the stairs to nowhere or doing the other cardio machines. Or, do you like audiobooks? Maybe listen to a great audiobook, but only when at the gym.

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I have always hated to exercise. But now that I'm losing weight and am middle age with certain medical risk factors, I'm not seeing a choice any longer. I joined the YMCA and do strength training. I really like working on the machines. I do cardio at home. Well, I'm supposed to be doing cardio at home but I alway have something else to do. :tongue_smilie: I'm supposed to be doing strength training 2 days per week and cardio 4 days per week. I get one day off for good behavior. I haven't yet made it through a whole week though. My week begins on a Tuesday because of my WW weigh-in. So far I've done 2 days of cardio in a row! I'm so proud of myself. I'm trying to get psyched up to get through my week. I would like to reward myself but the only reward I can think of is food, which is not good.


How do you make yourself exercise regularly when you really hate it? :)


Oh, and I've had people suggest I find something I like but so far, no luck. I do like the strength training but that's because I feel important using those cool machines at the Y. It's the cardio stuff that I don't like, and that's the most important part! Basically, I'm trying to just accept it and just try to get through 30 minutes each workout. It seems to last forever!!


Me! I have always hated exercising. One of my New Year's resolutions this year was to improve my physical wellness. In early January there was a Twongo deal for a 4 week bootcamp class at a gym five minutes from my house. I signed up. After that 4 weeks I signed up for another 4 weeks and added in a TRX class as well. So, from Feb onwards I've been at the gym two days a week and the classes are really intense. I need someone leading classes because otherwise I let myself off easy.


In Feb, I would do the 30 day Shred video along with 30 minutes on the treadmill or elliptical at home a couple of days a week in addition to the classes. I've fallen off that band wagon but really would like to start again. I have noticed a huge difference in my energy levels and my strength since beginning to exercise and I really like the trainer who runs the classes. I also started using a Body Bugg and it's really cool to see how much I'm actually burning each day (plus, when I actually input my food I can see day by day whether I'm meeting my goals or falling short).


I will admit to actually enjoying the classes. I couldn't imagine not going now. And that's huge because I really can't stand exercise and would rather read a book. Now, if only I could make myself exercise a couple of days a week from home...

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Set a goal and work toward it. Last September I decided once and for all that I would run a 5K. I even signed up for one that would take place in late October so I had some money on the line.:D Then I did the Couch to 5K and completed the 5K successfully. Then I signed up for a longer trail race and did that one. I am very slow, but steady once I get going. Then I decided to try to train for a triathlon in January. That event is coming up in 3 weeks and I AM READY! But it has not been easy or something that I have wanted to do everyday, but since I have that date on the calendar, I get up every day with a plan and I follow through. I agree that if you can join a fitness class, that will really help get you motivated. I love my spin class (when it is over - getting there not so much.)


So just set a goal, put it on a calendar, and work toward it.

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Oh, you ladies with the gym classes are brave! I cringe at the idea! I just see myself being the bumbling idiot, falling into the people around me. The lady who set up my strength training program told me to stand in the back or a corner so I can slip out but I haven't yet worked up the courage to even look through the glass! :)


I'm not an outdoors person. The weather has to be just right and that just doesn't always happen. I have a treadmill and will watch tv when I'm walking but it's a long 30 minutes. I have 3 exercise tapes and I'm thinking of just rotating those. Following along on the tv seems to make it a tad bit more enjoyable than just the walking on the treadmill.


DH talked me into walking a 5K in a couple of weeks. Honestly, the idea makes my stomach hurt. I may not be able to go through with it. He's a runner so I would be walking alone. I really hate that. It's a girl's run, sort of like a running club for girls, and I am scared the girls will just go past me. I would be outrun by 7 year olds! Ugh. I don't know if I can do it.

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This might seem crazy, but I'll tell you my story anyway . . .


A month ago, I joined a Crossfit gym a few minutes away from my home.


I'm currently 65 lbs over my "fighting weight" and have been holding down the sofa off and on for the past decade. I get rolling on something, lose focus, and quit. Crossfit feels like a real community -- the only place I feel more well-cared for is in my home and faith community. These people go the extra mile to include me, help me learn the movements, and encourage me to push back the gray of physical and mental weakness. Bring life to my body.


My trainer at the gym made this comment . . . he said so many folks join a gym, do the work-out they think they should be doing, with little to no direction after the intro sessions, and it becomes difficult to get the intensity level up enough to really empty the tank, so to speak. And, the gym can be a pretty lonely place . . . which is why I love Crossfit. There is always a trainer taking the lead in the class, it's different every day and it's always a mix of strength, reps, time, speed, cardio.


If there is a gym in your town, check it out. You never know how it might appeal to your inner-princess-warrior! It only takes 4 hours a week. That was the best part for me . . . 60 mins x 4 and healthy, balanced eating can really change a life.

Warmly, T

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