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Latin, what is your favorite


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I am looking for suggestions for Latin for next year that I can use w/my rising 4th and 2nd grader. We were using Prima Latina this year, but I am not in love with it, and neither are the kiddos, so I am not sure their is much foundation to build on. I am thinking it would be basically starting over next year from scratch.


I prefer things that are "in my hands" rather than internet based. I find we waste too much time often w/tech difficulties, slow connections, uncharged laptop batteries, lost chargers, windows updates when we were about to start a lesson.....etc, etc. I really want something that emphasizes roots/derivatives, etc. and significantly applies it to everyday language and vocab.


Thanks! :001_smile:

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I have only used MP PL and LCI, so they are my favorites. Have you looked at the LCI sample lessons. It is quite different. It has much more grammar and derivatives than PL. I did think that PL gave a good foundation for it though. The kids that had done it had a better grasp of the vocabulary and could focus more on learning the grammar.

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We used Latin for Children primer A with my 3rd grader. She and her 2 1/2 year old brother loves to watch the DVD and listen to the CD in the car. In fact, my ds is always asking to listen to latin and he actually knows some of them. I bought the complete set which includes the reader that the kids can translate half way through the school year, but is not necessary, just more practice. Same with the activity book, just more practice. I've just bought LFC B for next year. I'm very happy with it and have learned a lot just from listening the the CD myself.

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My two cents: Latin with a second grader isn't going to do much besides be a place-holder for more serious Latin study when a child has a better grasp of grammar. Latin study for a second grader may be fun, but after reviewing the popular curricula out there for kids that young, I came to the conclusion that it would be a waste of time to work on Latin with a child who doesn't yet understand grammar.


I put off Latin study until fifth grade for that reason.


We will be using a combination of Getting Started with Latin and Salvete the first year, moving on to Latin Book 1 and then Latin Book 2 (available free, in their entirety, with answer keys, on the corresponding Yahoo groups. You can load everything to an e-reader or print it off; you needn't rely on daily internet use).


We have used Getting Started with Spanish this year, and my grammar-nerd dd does very well with it. My grammar-challenged ds struggles.



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I would give your latin program one more chance because my ds wasn't too thrilled with Prima Latina either since it was pretty much all vocab, but Latina Christiana moves much quicker (and with Prima as a basis, your kids will have a great foundation). Seriously, Latin is a favorite subject for my kid and he uses some of the phrases in everyday speach. I think that program is great and am learning at the same time he is.

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I agree with Tara that Latin for young elementary students isn't an efficient use of time... What they learn in a year can be mastered in a few weeks when they're in middle or high school. But for a fun taste of Latin, Minimus is awesome. My daughter loved it and still reads through it periodically.

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We are using Lively Latin. We switched to it from Prima Latina as well! :)


As the others said the youngers won't really do well with it. When I first got LL my ds was ending 3rd grade. He just wasn't ready for it.


He is now ending 4th grade and I have been doing it with him for the last three weeks and he has been doing *MUCH* better!


My opinion :) is to wait until 10yo or so before introducing Latin.


Mydd has been doing it the last year and loves it!

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Thanks! ITA, I think that for my rising 2nd grader, Latin should be put off. ds1 actually loves it, and does well with it, he just was not a fan of the constant writing and book work in PL. He really enjoyed learning derivatives and putting things together/discovering language was so much fun for him, and he loved learning the Latin prayers that he has always known.


Now I need to figure out if I take Latin out of ds2's sched, what will he do while ds1 is doing Latin? Maybe he can work on his weaker subjects or listen along but not be tested or do any book work for Latin.


Thanks for all the suggestions! I have SOOOO much new curric to explore since joining this forum the other day!!!!! :)

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Well, the bookwork will only increase in LCI, I have to warn you. What I did was do PL with my 3rd and 1st grader the first time. The 1st grader did no written work with it, only memorization. For 2nd grade and 4th grade, the 4th grader moved on to LCI and I did no Latin with the 2nd grader at all this year. She sometimes sat in and listened as we did a lesson, so it reviewed some of her vocab. And next yr. for 3rd she will redo PL from the beginning with the workbook this time and the older will move onto First Form.

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