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Life After OPGTR?


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My DD finished OPGTR today! :party:


Now what? What have you used with your kids when they finished their main phonics curriculum? Do you just have them do lots of reading, or do you move on to some other kind of formal instruction to reinforce rules?

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My dd recently finished and we celebrated by getting ice cream and going swimming.


Now we are just continuing with AAS and lots of reading. I do the nightly read alouds still and plan to continue doing that but she has picked up on her own reading. Plus she reads a lot to her older sisters.


And another neat thing that happened is she asked if she could play "teacher" to her younger sister and start teaching her OPGTR. I was nervous about it but since Mira has already been through the whole book with me, she gets the format. She has been doing great teaching Stella. I sit there and "supervise" but they really do only require minimal assistance from me.

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I was told to just have my son read read read when done. So that is what we did. He is now having trouble with big multisyllable words two years afer finishing OPGTR so my recommendation would be to work on that. Syllable rules and not just the easy words. I would take the last few lessons of OPGTR and expand on those. We are now going back to do that in third grade. I wish I had done it back n 1st when we finished up OPGTR it would have saved him some frustration.

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