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Plz help me think of meaningful, memorable gift for my dad's 75th bday

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It'll be a big surprise party. He has a ton of stepchildren/step-grandkids who are all rich. I'm his only biological child and we're NOT rich-I can't compete with their gifts, nor do I want to. I just want to give him something very special.


I thought of writing special memories I have of him into a book, but that seems kind of lame. I thought of making a photo collage of some sort, but all the ones from my childhood were when he was married to my mom (horrible divorce-he tries to basically forget that time period.)


Just a regular gift doesn't seem special enough for this special party for his special day. I want something he will remember and treasure. He deserves it!


Any ideas? Has anyone else done something for a parent's bday that they loved?

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I saw something on Pinterest that I hope to do for my mom's birthday. They had people write letters/memories to the dad. I believe they had the same number as his age, but I don't see that that would be too important. For my mom, I'm planning to contact Facebook friends. Some of them are co-workers, friends from high school, etc.

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Do you have pictures of him with you and your family? If so, could you make up a picture calendar? I know it isn't expensive, etc. but my brother does this each year for my mom and she really likes it. They put 4-10 pictures in a collage for each month--pictures taken the year before in that same month if possible.

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I thought of writing special memories I have of him into a book, but that seems kind of lame.


I did something like this for my mother and she absolutely loved it. It helps that I have a good memory, so I wrote down dates of vacations, houses, pets -- almost like a timeline. I even 'remembered' things from before I was born, since I had heard some stories so often. So, I don't think your idea is lame at all, quite the contrary.


You can use a black artist's sketchbook with heavy paper and then modge-podge scrapbook paper on to make a decorative cover. (Leave the spine black -- it's easier that way.)

Edited by Alessandra
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I saw something on Pinterest that I hope to do for my mom's birthday. They had people write letters/memories to the dad. I believe they had the same number as his age, but I don't see that that would be too important. For my mom, I'm planning to contact Facebook friends. Some of them are co-workers, friends from high school, etc.


I thought of the same thing when I read the OP!


I found the link:




I think it's an awesome idea. My sister and I want to do it for both of our parents for Christmas..

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We had a surprise party when my in laws turned 70. We sent emails/letters to all their friends, asking to write about some funny/touching/memorable things and put all the letters, along with photographs in a big photo album.


We did slideshow as well.


It was wonderful. They absolutely loved it. :001_smile:

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