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Just read The Read Aloud Handbook. WOW!


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This is one of my all-time favorite books as well. I have read it 2-3 times and each time it inspires me to start reading aloud again. It is something I struggle with because of the ages of my children and how stressful it is for them to sit still, but SO many good things have happened in our family because of this book. I used some of the suggestions from his book list that I thought dh AND the kids would enjoy, this was last year, and they all loved it. Dh is still reading aloud to the kids. :001_smile:


My 2yo (then only 1.5 at the time) also developed a love of reading during that time last year when I started reading aloud more. One of his favorite things for me to do is to read to him. :001_wub:

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Chelli. Do you mind sharing the list? My dd is 3.5 yr old and I have a 9 month old son. Ty so much for helping


I am putting the lists up on my blog under the Reading List tab. My blog is linked in my signature. Right now I have Pre-K, Kindergarten, First Grade, and Second Grade finished.

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I am putting the lists up on my blog under the Reading List tab. My blog is linked in my signature. Right now I have Pre-K, Kindergarten, First Grade, and Second Grade finished.


:grouphug: Thank you!


P.s. love the belly man and belly woman! :D

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I was really inspired by story of Cushla when my special needs 15yo was little. I read to him at least 2 hours a day. He is still moderately mentally disabled, but he has an excellent vocabulary for his iq - shocks every tester. I think it is from reading, but also some educational tv like Magic School Bus. :)

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You hate it because it hurts? You mean your throat? If so, maybe you could work up to it. Read for 5 minutes a day for a week, then 10 for the next week, then 15... I read for long periods, several times a day and I make sure to always have a drink with me or sometimes I do start coughing from a tickly or itching dry throat. Maybe tea with honey if you like it?


There are very few things I can say with certainty that I have done right as a mom. Reading aloud to my kids daily is at the very top of that short list. Even DH has caught the bug and enjoys reading aloud. He's always done it, since our oldest was a baby, but I'm so happy to say that he now truly enjoys it. DH has been issued two imperatives in case I die. He has to cook the kids my recipes and read to them every single day.



Yep, physcially hurts. Makes my chest and throat hurt. It was an issue when I was a teacher too but then I could not talk from 4pm or so till the following morning if I needed. Now it's even harder though because it seems like I'm having to talk 24/7.


I keep trying though. I can usually read to them for a few days in a row but then I have to take a break. And when I read I can barely make it 10-15 minutes at a time.


It's a huge frustration! I was looking forward to reading to my kiddos.


We do audiobooks instead. We sit and listen to them together pausing and discussing and laughing together. It's not what I wanted but it's what I can do so it'll have to be good enough.

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