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Tornadoes-- are all WTMers safe??

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I had some students very close to the Friday tornadoes. Some of them were on school busses when the sirens went of and were taken back to school. It was scary. As far as I k ow that tornado did not cause any injuries.


Last night they fizzled out before they reached us, I don't think we even had any rain. The town of Woodward, OK was hit very hard. There were two kids killed in a trailer park. They are looking for missing and trapped people today. It hot in the middle of the night.


I think Witchita was hit as well, but I don't k.ow as much about that one.

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I had some students very close to the Friday tornadoes. Some of them were on school busses when the sirens went of and were taken back to school. It was scary. As far as I k ow that tornado did not cause any injuries.


Last night they fizzled out before they reached us, I don't think we even had any rain. The town of Woodward, OK was hit very hard. There were two kids killed in a trailer park. They are looking for missing and trapped people today. It hot in the middle of the night.


I think Witchita was hit as well, but I don't k.ow as much about that one.



Glad to hear you are safe! Are the warnings over?? Forecast looking better? I read about Woodward this morning. There was a quote from somebody that brought me to tears:


"I didn't think it was that bad until I walked down my street and everything is gone," said Tucker, 49. "I don't know what to do. I don't know where to go. I've seen it on TV, but when it happens to you it is unreal. I just feel lost."


I just can not imagine!!

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All clear here in SE NE. Two tornados hit around here, one 30 miles NE and one 20 miles NW. It was mostly a high-wind event here. We lost part of a tree, but nothing major. All of our Kansas people escaped damage. We are currently under a wind advisory, but that is pretty normal here.

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We're fine. I stayed up until 3, just in case. I'm tired.;) Just when we thought the tornado warnings would end, they kept on coming.:glare: There are flash flood warnings in part of area today, and I'm really hoping the storms are gone for now. But this is Kansas, so I'm not counting on it...

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Tornado Sirens went off about 10 last night. I was proud of the kids, they knew what to grab and not panic. Ds had set up the basement(think fancy cave) during the day so our stay down there was not unpleasant. We finally got the all's clear signal an hour later. Besides wind and heavy rain we are fine.


Pray everyone else had a safe night too.



After last night I think I will take hurricanes over tornadoes. You know when they will hit and be prepared. I didn't sleep a wink, every little noise had me straining to here the "roaring train" sound. Problem is we live just 5 houses away from train tracks so I hear "roaring trains" all night.

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Tornado Sirens went off about 10 last night. I was proud of the kids, they knew what to grab and not panic. Ds had set up the basement(think fancy cave) during the day so our stay down there was not unpleasant. We finally got the all's clear signal an hour later. Besides wind and heavy rain we are fine.


Pray everyone else had a safe night too.



After last night I think I will take hurricanes over tornadoes. You know when they will hit and be prepared. I didn't sleep a wink, every little noise had me straining to here the "roaring train" sound. Problem is we live just 5 houses away from train tracks so I hear "roaring trains" all night.




And my family went through some of the worst hurricanes in the last 50 years. I hate tornado "season."

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I am in Wichita and it was a little close when you can say the tornado was blocks away. We are all safe and no property damage.


No one died in Wichita because of the early warnings.


My kids got scared when we woke them up and told them to run downstairs to the tornado shelter.

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I am in Wichita and it was a little close when you can say the tornado was blocks away. We are all safe and no property damage.


No one died in Wichita because of the early warnings.


My kids got scared when we woke them up and told them to run downstairs to the tornado shelter.




Wow! Yeah I would say that is close. So glad you are all safe! I can't imagine what my kids would do. :001_huh:

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