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When to start FLL and WWE?


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I am teaching my kindergartner how to read using OPGTR (we started out using 100 EZ lessons but went on to OPGTR afterwards to review and make sure everything was covered)... He pretty much has a solid 2nd grade reading level... I'm wondering if there is some kind of suggested schedule for the point in OPGTR that we should start FLL and WWE? We are at about lesson 70 or so. Thanks!

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My girls were both strong readers in their K year, and I found that FLL1 was a good fit for them in the latter part of kindergarten.


I would not start WWE until the child is 6 years old, however. It's physically difficult for them to write that much, even at the first level. Plus I've heard that once they get to WWE 3, the dictations start to pose a real challenge.

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My girls were both strong readers in their K year, and I found that FLL1 was a good fit for them in the latter part of kindergarten.


I would not start WWE until the child is 6 years old, however. It's physically difficult for them to write that much, even at the first level. Plus I've heard that once they get to WWE 3, the dictations start to pose a real challenge.


Do you think it is possible just do narration with the young kids? the copy work just seem very boring.

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Somewhere on Peacehill's website, it says to tentatively start FLL around lesson 140 in OPTGR. I have no clue how to find that again, so I'm no help there. I just have a huge sticky on that lesson telling me to start FLL. :)


that's good info. thanks

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Do you think it is possible just do narration with the young kids? the copy work just seem very boring.


I thought copywork would be deemed boring by my DD, but she asks for it all the time and the copywork aspect of FLL1 is her favorite thing. I don't understand her :tongue_smilie:. We're starting her on WWE at 5, but only because she is already a strong writer.

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I had written down in my notes

- start AAS (spelling) after OPGTR L124

- start FLL (grammar) after OPGTR L142

- start WWE (writing) after OPGTR L142 IF min age 7 & handwriting is solid


I have no idea where I got that though - just entered it in my spreadsheet at some point!!

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Do you think it is possible just do narration with the young kids? the copy work just seem very boring.


With young kids, I think you can do whatever strikes your fancy! If writing down a narration for them gives them a sense of accomplishment and helps them recall a story, fantastic. (My dd5 begs to do narrations. Go figure.) If they ask to copy a sentence out (mine actually did), then great. I just didn't and don't force it at that age.


But ... when it comes to starting WWE in full in Grade 1, I think that both the narration and the copywork are essential components of the program. My daughter hasn't found the copywork boring. The repetition of copying correctly written sentences is starting to translate into her own writing, where she (usually) uses a capital letter to start a sentence, finishes with punctuation, and even uses commas.

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