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Reading Eggs Help! :)

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I have been *trying* to use it for my ds(almost)4. The problem is he won't do the lessons, not to much anyway. He always goes to the "playhouse" and plays the games and music.


So two things. Is there a way to "disable" the playhouse until a lesson it over or until the parent says so?


Do you sit there with you child while they do the lesson part?


He likes it but it seems to go to fast for him and he has a difficult time with the combining of sounds. Like the "am". It said to click on the sound "am" and he can't do it.



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I do sit with my 6 y/o while he does the lessons. I tell him when he's allowed to go play games and such. Your son's pretty young. He just might not be interested enough/ready to actually learn to read. If he's not interested in the actual lessons, or having too hard a time with them, I wouldn't force it at almost four. I'd let him do his thing and try again in six months, or next year, or whatever.

Edited by NanceXToo
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I am thinking that 4 is possibly a bit young.

Playing the games etc, will help your child develop mouse using skills, Which for young children can be quite tricky.


My ds 8 has to crack one egg a day. He hasn't been interested in playing the games at all, he is more interested in seeing what is going to come out of each egg.

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Thank you, you confirmed what I though. Although the people at the convention in the Reading Egg booth said 3 was perfect I wondered if it was young.


He does like the games and some of them are teaching him a few things :) I will leave it be for now and try again in a few months!

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Thank you, you confirmed what I though. Although the people at the convention in the Reading Egg booth said 3 was perfect I wondered if it was young.


He does like the games and some of them are teaching him a few things :) I will leave it be for now and try again in a few months!


Really? 3? I'm very surprised they said that! That just screams "We want to make more money!" to me.


I mean sure they dressed it up bright and colorful and appealing to even young preschoolers and toddlers. But in the end they are still teaching kids how to read and most 3 and 4 year olds are not yet developmentally ready to read! And the program does seem to move pretty quickly through introducing new things (though they say you're supposed to repeat lessons like 3 times each for that reason, I guess). While I guess young kids might like "playing" with it, and can do things in the playhouse areas and such, for more focused reading lessons and a real goal of teaching a kid to read, I would think most kids would do better between 5 and 6, although some 4 y/o's may be ready to learn to read anyway and would do well with it! Again, just follow his cues. If he enjoys the playhouse for now, let him just do that, there are probably things he can learn from there. As far as the actual reading lessons, I'd wait six months and give it another try. If it goes better, great! If it doesn't, wait another six months and try again! I think 5-6 is more realistic for a lot of kids (and especially if you've got a wiggly boy)!

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