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Videotext: Alg 1 AND 2?

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Since Video Text is a 'unique' program it does not follow the typical scope/sequence. They divide the program in half (making Algebra 1 and Algebra 2).


Students who only do the first half of the program MAY have a difficult time transitioning into a different Algebra 2 program (should the need arise). There will be some concepts typically found in an Algebra 1 program that will not have been covered. (I'm talking from personal experience-- I have current students who used Videotext--first half-- in my Geometry and Algebra 2 classes).


Also eliminating the review and overlap is not necessarily a good thing! Students are introduced to a variety of new concepts in a typical Algebra 1 course. Usually Geometry is worked in between. When they work a typical Algebra 2 program they are reintroduced to the Algebra 1 concepts (review) --which they are usually able to understand at a deeper level (because they have 'seen it before') and then they progress to more difficult but related problems. With Videotext it is a 'one time through' thing... works for some but not all.

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The difference is that you only get one pass at algebra. You have to do almost the entire series (mod. A-E) to get algebra 1. We changed programs, my ds did modules A-C, and we had to borrow Chalkdust Algebra 1 over the summer to get ds ready for geometry. (We were about to start chemistry without even complete algebra 1 coverage!) After what we went through w/ds, I think its better to have two passes at algebra. Algebra 1 w/less difficult problems, then geometry, then Algebra 2 digging deeper and reviewing what was learned in Algebra 1.

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