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Euros to dollars?

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Youngest recently returned from a class trip to Paris and brought back 100 - 150 Euros with him. Before I left, I told him to make sure he spent what he took, enjoying the extra if he was thrifty on the earlier part of the trip, but, he's a guy... and... well, he didn't.


So, is there a good way to exchange Euros back to $$ without losing a ton on fees? Our bank charges a fortune. To get Euros the class combined $$ and went through AAA to pay less in fees. I don't think others brought back enough to exchange back that way. It's just my guy... :tongue_smilie:


Or is it better just to hang on to them and hand them out when/if another one opts for European travel (absolutely no idea when that might happen).


Is there anyone close by who's heading to Europe soon and wants to exchange at the exchange rate? It's not a huge sum, so not worth it if a lot of gas money is involved. I'll have to ask him what the exact amount he has is. He gave me the rough estimate above.

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We often end up with left overs after trips here, and the bank charges an exorbitant fee to exchange. The airport is a better option for exchanging, and we've been known to make a trip just for that purpose. It's not the *best* rate, but slightly better than the bank's.


If you find another option, we'd love to hear it also.

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We may end up just hanging on to them if no one else has another suggestion. A trip to the airport would cost us more than the fees the bank would charge (1 1/2 hours one way).


Or I suppose we could just pay the bank fees, but... sooner or later someone we know ought to be heading to Europe and it seems a waste to pay a huge percentage in fees. Too bad Canada doesn't use the Euro. We go there often. ;) Ditto that with places around here... there's lots of tourism around... I'm sure many would like it if they could use varying sorts of currency!

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I would just hang on to them and convert them as opposed to dollars the next time someone travels outside the US. I may have the wrong person, if so I'm sorry, but I think your dh just went to Korea. He could have converted euros as easily as dollars.

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I would just hang on to them and convert them as opposed to dollars the next time someone travels outside the US. I may have the wrong person, if so I'm sorry, but I think your dh just went to Korea. He could have converted euros as easily as dollars.


You have the correct person, but his trip to Korea ended up not happening due to his client not coming up with the money for it. Such is life.


Sooner or later someone will go overseas again. Our family is not likely to be going with 2 either in or going to college, but the kids might via things of their own - as this last trip was. Or hubby might get a client with deeper pockets. ;) He's done work world-wide - just hasn't had to travel to any of the sites (yet). The internet is an amazing thing - even for Civil Engineering!

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Makes a great gift! My DEAR sil gave our dd 20 Euros as a graduation gift, to use toward our then-upcoming trip to France. Dd was thrilled, and it actually bailed us out of a problem in the airport as we arrived.


I would hold on to them, and keep an eye out for someone traveling to Europe. Maybe even someone in your homeschool or work network.

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