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Should have listen to the Hive instead of

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my cheap husband. Last Christmas I bought my 7 and 8 year olds 8GB iTouches. Big mistake. So now I am going to upgrade their iTouches and send their old ones to my parents along with a a $50 each itunes gift card. They just want it for music and Facetime/Skype. They will do fine with a low GB iTouch but not my family. I read the replies awhile back and suggested my hubby we go higher and he was like nah, they are young they don't need that much. So WRONG. I have a hour commute one way almost daily and we go on trips that last a few hours so having games and afew either A)purchased shows or B) rented movies are a life saver for me.

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Yeah, I should have looked in to things a little more before I "advised" my Mom on what size to get DD. I figured the same as your DH - she's only a kid, she shouldn't need that much.


Now, I'm thinking about upgrading DD's Ipod and giving her old one to my parents so they can Facetime, too. :-)

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