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Just a little funny-

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I took my 20 month old dd for her 18 month check-up yesterday (I'm sooo bad about getting check-ups done on time!) Anyway, the doc was asking about when she switched from formula to milk and I said "well, she was never on formula, she still nurses a couple times a day, but she does drink reg. milk too." The doc was tried so hard to reassure me that it was all okay. She told me several times that there was nothing harmful in my breastmilk and although the APA didn't recommend going past a year there was really nothing wrong with it as long as it was okay with me and okay with my dd. I thought it was so funny because I had not asked if it was okay or acted uncertain about my parenting decisions in ANY way. And really? Nothing harmful?!?? Did she think I was worried about my milk going bad or something?!?!? As long as it's okay with my dd?!?!? Does she think I'm holding her down and shoving my bre@st in her mouth?!?!? It was weird.


I just smiled and nodded through the whole thing because the doc was very kind. I just thought it was rather funny.

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I took my 20 month old dd for her 18 month check-up yesterday (I'm sooo bad about getting check-ups done on time!) Anyway' date=' the doc was asking about when she switched from formula to milk and I said "well, she was never on formula, she still nurses a couple times a day, but she does drink reg. milk too." The doc was tried so hard to reassure me that it was all okay. She told me several times that there was nothing harmful in my breastmilk and [b']although the APA didn't recommend going past a year[/b] there was really nothing wrong with it as long as it was okay with me and okay with my dd. I thought it was so funny because I had not asked if it was okay or acted uncertain about my parenting decisions in ANY way. And really? Nothing harmful?!?? Did she think I was worried about my milk going bad or something?!?!? As long as it's okay with my dd?!?!? Does she think I'm holding her down and shoving my bre@st in her mouth?!?!? It was weird.


I just smiled and nodded through the whole thing because the doc was very kind. I just thought it was rather funny.


The bolded is simply not true. :glare: The APA recommends "continuation of breastfeeding for 1 year or longer as mutually desired by mother and infant."

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That is really funny, although I also think it is *great*! She is obviously more supportive of nursing than many, and she probably knows how much criticism and negativity many moms get when they continue to breastfeed past a year. So good for her for encouraging you, even if you didn't need it! Maybe the next mom will :001_smile:

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The bolded is simply not true. :glare: The APA recommends "continuation of breastfeeding for 1 year or longer as mutually desired by mother and infant."


Well, that's the way she said it to me. I think that's what she was trying to get at by saying "It's okay as long as it's okay with you and with her" She must've said that phrase 5 times. She WAS very kind and I did not want to offend her, so I didn't really say anything except that I was fine with what we were doing. There were several times when she said "Well, such-and-such is okay with me" and in my head I was "Oh, good. I'm so glad I have your permission." But she was so nice and smiley and positive that I didn't want to be snarky with her. I just smiled and nodded.

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