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Accessories for our new black wii?

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1. I need an additional wii remote and nunchuk - is Amazon the best place? Is generic okay? Generics get bad reviews...


2. Do I need Wii Remote Plus? Does it charge in a regular charger? Does it work with regular Wii remote games too? Never mind - my black Wii set w/ Super Mario actually came with a Wii remote plus... So, I'll just get a 2nd one...


3. Are generic chargers okay? I'm looking at this



4. Do you buy sports accessories? We will buy Wii Sports, Resort, and Wii play at Gamestop, but they don't have accessories to go with them. I see these on Amazon. Worth it? My special needs teen may like the fun factor of an actual racket etc.



Are these only sold by generic vendors - not Nintendo?


Thanks for the help! Since the Wii has been out a while, I was hoping someone could answer and save me an hour of googling and reading reviews. :)

Edited by LNC
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Do not go with a generic controller. They get bad reviews for a reason.


Amazon is a good place to buy, though, yes.


You don't need the sports accessories, at all, but if you think they'd be a fun add-on for your family, sure, get them. Those you can get generic since they are just plastic attachments and not working parts, if that makes sense.


Wii Remote Plus is optional; some games need it, but not many. Yes, those will work as regular controllers for the games that don't need it, and yes, they'd work in the same chargers. If the price difference is not much, go for it. If it's a huge difference, it's not needed unless you are getting a game that requires it. We have 2 with, 2 without, and only have the Plus because one came with a game bundle we bought and the other came with our Wii. It's likely that the controller that came bundled with your Wii already has the motion Plus function; if that's the case, you can get by without any additional ones with Plus, I think.


Charging stations....can't help you there. We've not had good luck with them and choose instead to just use normal rechargeable batteries. The charging station we had overheated; friends had the same thing and then bought a different model which I think is working for them. I don't know which one they got, though. I'd probably not go with generic, though, for the same reasons as the controllers.


Have fun! It's a great family game system.

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We don't play sports games but I do have the steering wheels for Wii Mario Kart. They are completely unnecessary but we really like them. You have to hold the controller sideways to play the game and the steering wheel just makes it easier to hold.


We have a generic controller. None of us likes it. It doesn't fit into the steering wheel so maybe it wouldn't fit into any nintendo sports accessory, I don't know.


I don't own a charging station.

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It's likely that the controller that came bundled with your Wii already has the motion Plus function; if that's the case, you can get by without any additional ones with Plus, I think.


You know, that's true. I think the controllers they make now have the motionplus built in. The gold one I got with the Skyward Sword game has it built in. I have the motionplus attachment for our other controllers because our Wii is older.

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We've had nothing but problems with the generic controllers that we bought over the years. Now I just stick to the Nintendo branded controllers, because every single generic we've bought over the years has stopped working- even with game systems before the Wii.


We also tried the rechargeable station. It didn't even last a year for us, and the longest charge it held towards the end was less than 20 minutes. That was totally embarassing when we had a party, promoted Wii playing, and then didn't have any batteries on hand to back us up.


We now use the expensive batteries- not rechargeables, but the Energizer Lithiums. More expensive at the outlay, but they literally last for months with daily Wii use on our part.

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