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HELP! Almost everything gone on computer!

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So, I went to use my computer this evening, and BAM! My desktop started disappearing, leaving only a black screen with a recycle bin in the corner, plus the start button and icons along the bottom.


I've been messing around with it the best I can (limited computer knowledge). It seems my C drive is almost out of memory, as in just a few percent left. My D drive (data) is empty.


I've been trying to delete programs, but it doesn't seem to be affecting things positively--I thought it would free up space so the computer could do what it needs, but instead I'm getting messages that "the device cannot free up enough resources" and "drive failure" or something like that.


I hooked up an external drive and downloaded a SeaTools for Windows scanning/testing program. So far, it's saying my drives are healthy.


So, is this because I ran out of space? Or is it a nasty virus? Can I get back my TONS of files? (My music seems to be intact, but nothing else that I can find... yet it STILL shows that C drive as essentially full!! But my personal files are all empty.)


It's a rotten night. I'd be crying, except that I feel numb. Can someone please give me some information or guidance on what to do next? Thank you. :crying:

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My vote goes for a nasty virus. What anti virus program are you running?


One simple thing to try if you are running Windows 7. Right click on the the desktop. The menu that shows up should have "View" at the top. Select "View" and a list of choices should appear - including one that says "Show Desktop Icons". If that's not checked, select it to see if everything appears again.


I would reboot your computer into Safe Mode and run your anti virus program. There's a nasty virus-thing out there called "FakeFrag Trojan" that does something like this - marking all your files as hidden so you can't see them and think they are gone.

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My vote goes for a nasty virus. What anti virus program are you running?


One simple thing to try if you are running Windows 7. Right click on the the desktop. The menu that shows up should have "View" at the top. Select "View" and a list of choices should appear - including one that says "Show Desktop Icons". If that's not checked, select it to see if everything appears again.


I would reboot your computer into Safe Mode and run your anti virus program. There's a nasty virus-thing out there called "FakeFrag Trojan" that does something like this - marking all your files as hidden so you can't see them and think they are gone.

Thanks for your help!


I tried the View Icons thing, and they are truly all gone.


I have no idea how to reboot in Safe Mode...


After searching the internet and messing around on my computer, I've come to the conclusion that this is almost certainly a hard drive controller issue, which means my computer is probably toast (unless someone can tell me otherwise?)


Is there ANY way to access my lost data? Would a data recovery service work? Is it expensive? Has anybody used a program that tries to recover data? Do they work? I saw one priced at $100, but I don't want to spend that unless I think it's going to work.


Anyone have any thoughts... please?

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You boot into Safe Mode by pressing F8 while the computer is booting up (before it displays "Starting Windows" on the screen).


I would really recommend running a virus check in safe mode before going down the road of hardware fixes. It *might* be hardware, but more frequently it is viruses/malware that do this sort of thing. Call a computer repair place - most of them will give you a reasonable quote to "check things out" - run the antivirus thing for you and do the hardware diagnostics.


I would absolutely NOT use one of those recovery programs. Spend the $100 at a computer repair shop and let them recover the data if the hardware is actually bad.

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You boot into Safe Mode by pressing F8 while the computer is booting up (before it displays "Starting Windows" on the screen).


I would really recommend running a virus check in safe mode before going down the road of hardware fixes. It *might* be hardware, but more frequently it is viruses/malware that do this sort of thing. Call a computer repair place - most of them will give you a reasonable quote to "check things out" - run the antivirus thing for you and do the hardware diagnostics.


I would absolutely NOT use one of those recovery programs. Spend the $100 at a computer repair shop and let them recover the data if the hardware is actually bad.


Thanks for the advice!


I think I will do this, but I'm concerned that I'll end up spending $100 at the repair shop AND then I'll need to get a new laptop as well... grrrrr. Did I mention the laptop is 4 years old? I know to many people that will sound fairly old, but it kind of ticks me off to have to replace expensive things that often. I don't know if the age is playing into it at all.

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Thanks for the advice!


I think I will do this, but I'm concerned that I'll end up spending $100 at the repair shop AND then I'll need to get a new laptop as well... grrrrr. Did I mention the laptop is 4 years old? I know to many people that will sound fairly old, but it kind of ticks me off to have to replace expensive things that often. I don't know if the age is playing into it at all.


We've never had a Windows laptop last more than 2 years. In my opinion, you got a great deal if you've had it for four! ;)

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