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Real Science 4 Kids?

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First, let me say that science has been, BY FAR, the hardest subject for me to find a curriculum I liked.


We tried Pre-Level Chemistry and, while I was excited about it for the first week or two, ultimately I'd have to say I did not like it.


First of all, I thought it was very pricey for what it was. We could have easily read through the entire textbook together in one week. When I sit down to read a chapter of something to my kids, I don't like to be done in less than three minutes. There was "nothing extra" -- no extra activities, book lists, resources, crossword puzzles, etc. There were barely a few review questions at the end of the chapter, I think, and that was it.


I really couldn't stand the lab workbooks. The questions reminded me of the dumb things that schoolbooks typically ask. Finally we started doing the experiments without them. I found the experiments annoying, too -- I didn't like to have to boil cabbage, go buy antacids, etc, etc. (Although this may just be the fact that I'm not science-y in general.)


Now we're using Apologia and, while it's not perfect, we definitely prefer it.

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We tried the level one chemistry with some of the kogs, and we also didn't like it, for many of the same reasons as the above poster: too little for how much it cost, just too light in general, silly labs, no reinforcement.


We liked Ellen McHenry's Elements much better.

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We are using pre-level 1 chemistry for my dd for K and we enjoy it a lot. I don't know if it would work if she were older but as a young K'er (she just turned 5) and someone who really enjoys science it has been good. She enjoys the lab book and she easily understands the text.

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I used it and sold it cheaply, so that someone else didn't have to pay as much as me for that mistake, lol.


There were a lot of experiments that were so time consuming that my 10yo lost interest by the time the "learning time" came. The worst one was the home made battery. That took forever to make work, and although dh and I learned a lot, poor dd was sad.

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We also participate in Classical Conversations. We used RS4K as part of our reading during the cycles. We used the Biology book during the last cycle 1. They are not exhaustive by any means, but do present solid material. I would not use them as my only other source for reinforcing the CC material, but I do like them as one supplement.

For cycle 1 we used a large foam board and labeled columns for the five kindgdoms and the classicifications within those kingdoms to incorporate the first 12 weeks memory work. My children would choose different animals/plants to read about and classify on our chart. They loved having the large chart to come back to and build on. We also used learning resources foam plant and animal cells and earth models. These were a great visual hands on thing for them to refer to during our reading.


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Used Pre-level 1 Chemistry, Physics and Biology this year, currently in Biology. I was able to borrow them so at least I didn't spend a lot.. I can't imagine 1 of them (only 10 chapters) being considered enough for a whole year's worth of science. And for the price I think it should be.


I agree the experiments were either way easy or way hard. I don't particularly want to have to make trips to the hardware store, the grocery store and radio shack for 1 second grade experiment. (Junior high/HS I can see) I made it to radioshack but not the hardware store and my lemons are going to go bad before we get that battery made! And we are already on to Biology anyway.. *sigh* The student lab book is useless IMO and we didn't use them. I wouldn't recommend the tests either.


On a positive note.. I did/do really like the student text. :D

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We did CC cycle one on our own this year. RS4K biology meshes very well with the biology part of the cycle. We love the books and we have managed to make biology last a whole year. We don't do science daily and we dont read a chapter In a sitting. We do a section or two, then we make flash cards and review. Between cc and our study, DS has pretty much memorized what we have studied. We did not do any labs until the microscope labs. We made pond water and have looked at lots of fun stuff.


We dont use the lab books. I really like the curriculum, but I also don't want an intense science for elementary. I do feel that the content is appropriate for young elementary. We will go through prelevel one and level one buy the end of fourth or fifth grade, then we will move on to something different.

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If I were you I'd just use the corresponding sections from Mr. Q life science. It's free and very interesting and fun to read.




Thanks SOOOOOOOOOOOO much for posting this info!!! We use ABEKA science, and my son loves it, but it's just not "enough" for him (true science geek!!). I've been looking for something to finish out over the summer. This is right up his alley!

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I used Level 1 Chemistry with my 3rd grader. We liked it a lot - but notice we were using it below "level" - I can't imagine using it with a 5th or 6th grader, it is too basic IMO. My biggest criticism is that the lab book didn't do a great job connecting the experiment to the concept covered in the chapter. On the other hand, the experiments were a blast, and I actually thought the text was an excellent introductory chemistry text for young students.


I am much less impressed with Biology level 1. We aren't bothering to do most of the experiments, and the text is great for my 5 yo, and on the verge of being too basic for my 9 yo. It is also far from complete as a biology "class". It is forming a very small part of our biology studies. Again, it would be fine for a K-2 intro to biology, but not for a middle elementary program IMO.

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