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Question about MEP


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I am considering using MEP as a supplement for my 1st grade DD. Can we skip 1a and go straight to 1b? Glancing through 1a, it looks really easy for her and I don't want to bore her. Here's some background:


She has been using CLE 100 this year. She says she hates math, but she seems to get it right away. I don't think she needs all of the review that CLE has. I picked up Singapore 1a and 1b. My plan is to continue CLE, only introducing the new concepts and working those until I know she has them down. She is working through Singapore 1a very quickly, just so we don't miss anything (plus she has fun coloring the pages after school). I don't see her hitting anything tough in Singapore until sometime in 1b (probably the multiplication).

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Keep in mind that school in the UK starts at 4, so their Reception year is for 4 year olds, and Year 1 is for 5 year olds. So she is probably at the age for Year 2 if she's in 1st grade.


That said... the program really chucks concept after concept at you in an onslaught that makes it hard to catch your breath (that's what day 5 is for). So while she probably doesn't need the "copy the number 2" and "3+0=" questions, some of the logic games that show up on the homework sheets are pretty complex and excellent for introducing kids to new concepts, and to the kind-of strange notation system that MEP uses.


Honestly, I would have her start at the beginning, and work quickly through year 1. Take a look at the lesson plans and see if there's anything that sounds interesting (you can skip all the "look at the poster and count the bunny rabbits" questions) and then have her do a worksheet or two each day until you're through with year 1, and then start doing year 2 according to the lesson plans.

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With Abby, we worked through SM 1a, then worked through a few problems from MEP 1a and dove right in to MEP 1b. It has allowed her to really see the puzzles and patterns in math, but kept the numbers small so it has been very developmentally appropriate. While MEP y1 doesn't work with numbers more than 20, it hasn't hindered Abby's ability to manipulate them. In fact, she can currently add two-digit numbers with regrouping mentally. While that hasn't been taught in MEP 1b, I'm fairly certain that when we run through SM 1b this summer, everything will be review. (Even multiplication since she's started telling things like "four fives makes twenty," and, "hey, isn't it neat that five tens is fifty and yet ten fives is fifty too!")


Anyway, i think it's more than feasible to introduce MEP concepts now and then start 1b after you speed through SM 1a. MEP 1b fits rather nicely after SM 1b because it mostly focuses on bonds between 10 and 20.

Edited by blondeviolin
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MEP is a different kind of math. Don't be afraid to go down in grade level with it. Make sure you are doing the lesson plans too. The mental math activities are fruitful!


I have see-sawed back and forth with MEP for a long while. I use it mainly for a systematic and challenging review of concepts previously learned. Both my 9yo and 7yo are atleast a grade level down in MEP from where they are learning new concepts.

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MEP is a different kind of math. Don't be afraid to go down in grade level with it. Make sure you are doing the lesson plans too. The mental math activities are fruitful!


I have see-sawed back and forth with MEP for a long while. I use it mainly for a systematic and challenging review of concepts previously learned. Both my 9yo and 7yo are atleast a grade level down in MEP from where they are learning new concepts.


:iagree: I started my first grader at the beginning because each lesson builds so systematically on the last. I use it as a supplement, and I don't feel the least bit guilty for picking and choosing the problems I want her to do!

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