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OT: Trampoline Recommendations?

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Spring Free, hands down. My parents have one, and so do we. You can literally run at the side of it and just get bounced back in. My 200 pound plus DH has tested this numerous times trying to flip like my little DD LOL. They are pricey, but liftime fun and so worth it. They look really nice and do not warp/discolor.

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I would check with your homeowner's insurance company and make sure they allow them. I work for a countrywide insurance company and we don't allow them. The liability risk is too high. For our customers that already have them, they either have to get rid of them or their insurance gets terminated. just FYI

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Whatever you do, don't get a Skywalker! We got one of those, and within months, the springs started stretching out and flying off. It was a piece of junk!


We bought a square-shaped Skywalker from Sam's Club. Our model had a tall safety net. The springs were located outside the safety net to avoid finger pinching.


Ours was great and held up for years, with many children and some adults using it regularly.

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We've bought two inexpensive ones and they have both torn away from the straps over a few years' use. However, we have left them out all year - snow, etc. - and so prob. that is part of it.


However, we hired a backhoe to do some excavating and had him dig a pit so the trampoline was pit-set and the edge was then ground level. This made it a lot safer & it made it much more popular with parents! So I highly recommend that installation?


Lisaj, mom to 5

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74HEaven, that was my first thought because that is the kind of trampoline my neighbors had when I was growing up and I think it looks a lot nicer.


But virtually all of our (large) backyard is tree roots right below the surface, and we've got some mighty tall trees. Scared that digging up part of their root system would contribute to them falling on our house--or our neighbors'. So DH says no digging.


Looking at the prices of the above-mentioned tramps online, I'm annoyed (as I am by many things like this) that there seems to be two price points, high and low, with no middle ground. I don't know if I want a $1200 trampoline. I don't have a $1200 anything! But if the $600 version will only last a couple of years. . .



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