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CD's/DVD's to help with Saxon Algebra I?

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Just want your opinions on what CD's/DVD's have helped you to teach Saxon Algebra I.


What is your preference: Saxon Teacher, DIVE, or Art Reed?


From the reviews that I have found online, Saxon Teacher seems to be the most well liked. But, I would like to hear from you.


Any thoughts would be appreciated.


Still thinking and praying,





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We used Saxon Teacher for Algebra 1 and Art Reed for Algebra 2. Dd said the Saxon Teacher dvds are done by a "lecturer" and the Art Reed dvds are done by a "teacher". She is learning more from the Art Reed dvds this year. I think we have only used the Teacher Algebra 2 dvds less than 5 times so far this year. For what it is worth, I'm going to start Adv Math with only the Art Reed dvds and add the Saxon Teacher only if we need them for solutions.

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Dd had a chance to look at lessons from each of them and chose Art Reed's. If you go to the website, sample lessons can be viewed. Her choice was based on liking his manner/personality. I wondered if the same presenter might grow old, but after two years Dd still likes him and we have already bought next year's.


One note (I don't know about the others), if you do go with Art Reed's make sure your editions of Saxon match.

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Very interesting comments from all of you.


Yes, I'll make sure that the Art Reed matches up with the Saxon edition. I think his DVD's go with the 3rd edition of the Saxon.






When I contacted him asking about editions for 7/6 (I had 3rd edition, his videos were for the new 4th edition), he offered to send me information that lined up the dvd lessons with the edition I had.

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Another vote for Art Reed, although we also use Saxon Teacher mostly when I don't have the time or ability to answer specific questions.


I sit down w/my kids to watch Mr. Reed, and it helps me know what they're doing each day and to possibly help them. It's usually no more than 10 minutes.



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