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If you use IEW, what do you do for grammar?


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I have come to realize next year I cannot have a very teacher intensive writing,and grammar, and everything else. Especially with DD coming in to more formal schooling next year being in 1st (and I sense she will need more of my time, especially being more accelerated in the language arts area already).


DS picks up on grammar with ease. We will finish FLL3 this year. I asked about Voyages in English, and it seems the consensus and advice from TWTM to use it only for grammar and skip the writing portion. I can see there to be value in that advice.


I definitely think it would be better for me to let him do grammar on his own, and spend the one on one for writing. With studying grammar this year together, I think he has a strong foundation to continue with some independent study.


I know IEW is very different from the WWE approach, so I'm wondering what IEW users do for grammar?

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Have you joined the IEW yahoo group? They have been having a discussion about this for the last few days. We won't be starting IEW until next year, but it seems that most people either use Rod & Staff (but without the writing portions when it gets into the older grades), Analytical Grammar, or Easy Grammar. I'm sorry I don't have first hand experience to share, but this is what others have recommended. Some say no formal grammar is necessary and you can just use IEW fix-it for 3rd through 12th grade. We are currently using Rod & Staff and I think we will continue this unless it gets to be too much:)

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I see hake grammar starts at 5. It looks like this is grammar AND writing though, no?


The writing is separate. If you only want grammar you would just not purchase the writing workbook.


I'm using IEW currently with 3 of my dc. Two have done R&S and Hake for traditional grammar and Killgallon for applied grammar. I have been doing applied grammar with the younger using Grammar-Land and just focusing on grammar concepts during the course of writing. I much prefer doing the applied grammar and will probably just use the Killgallon books with my younger dc in combination with Fix-It.


I think it may be dependent on the dc though. Some dc do better with a text book, repetitive program, and some do better with an applied approach.

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I just added Daily Grams in 4th grade.


Every year the kids' proofreading checklists increase in new editing skills. We try to write IEW style and edit weekly.


I do have the Easy Grammar Plus that I use for extra practice if they need extra practice on say quotation marks. It's happened rarely.

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