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Replacing adult teeth/veneers, etc

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My DH was in a jet-ski accident when he was 20 and his top 6 front teeth were knocked out, and fake ( I guess ceramics??) were put in. Due to his mother being the decision maker at the time , she agreed with the dentist to put in fakes that were yellowish to match his real teeth (????). Now of course, real teeth can be whitened quite bit, but fake teeth can never be whitened beyond where they started.


Nevertheless, almost 20 years later, and his teeth area a mess. First of all, due to the pain and suffering of that accident and all of the dental work, he has a deathly fear of the dentist, so hasn't went much since I have known him, and only that was forced by me.


Second, he smokes (yea, I know :glare:), and so that has added much discoloration.


Third his teeth have shifted quite a bit, and are now quite crooked and displaced.


So badly colored, and crooked/displaced. It's a real esteem thing for him. I hate that for him, because he is an otherwise great looking guy. He feels that is the first thing that everyone sees when they look at him. Honestly, I haven't told him of course, but I've noticed how bad they are getting recently too.


So my question is, does anyone have experience with this type of thing? What kind of work will be best? Will they just pull them all out and put in fakes? Surely not dentures at his age (40)?

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I am not an expert, but think they can just replace them and put in new ones. I think they can do some correction with alignment, but I think it is only very slight correction. Hopefully someone more knowledgable will chime in.


:grouphug: I can relate to the dental anxiety. I have small panic attacks just to get my teeth cleaned. :sad: I hate going to the dentist and he is the best dentist I have ever had. My husband also forces me to go regularly.:glare::001_smile:

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One of my front teeth is a dental implant due to a car accident. I would really look into this option. It looks very natural. It was a long process, almost a year from start to finish to wait for healing before the tooth can be attached. I am very glad I went this route.


I had mine done by an oral surgeon, but my current dentist does them in his office.


I am not familiar with any other options.

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Are the replacements he has now crowns? Were his teeth knocked out but the roots remained in place to allow crowns to be placed?


If he has crowns now and they're migrating and looking bad, I'd suggest implants as replacement. Odds are if the teeth are moving around, he has bone loss issues on those teeth and the ones in the back.


Whether he goes with implants or dentures, he'll need to have his roots/teeth removed, likely need some bone grafting, healing time, then placement of the implant crowns on the implant rods....or just continue with dentures (they place dentures immediately after the teeth are extracted for use during the healing period so you're not without teeth). When they do the extraction, depending on bone loss and grafting, they may or may not place the implant rods immediately. He can also opt to wait on rod placement to see how he feels about the dentures first, then decide if he wants to move forward with the implants and have the rods placed.

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I knocked my two front teeth out as a kid. I had caps that now need to be replaced badly. We just got dental insurance so I have to see how much they will cover. What my previous dentist recommended was whitening my teeth first and then they would do crowns that matched my bleached teeth. My are also discolored because I had to have a root canal done on one, that one will need a post.


I would encourage him to go see what they would need to do, I totally get the esteem issue.

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