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Can you tell me about Pathway Readers?


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They are reading textbooks and come with workbooks, if you want. Many people just use them as independent reading books, the same as they would any anthology.


They are very affordable textbooks produced by the Amish for their parochial schools. The Amish, while Christians, do not believe in teaching religion in their schools. The readers reflect the Amish worldview and lifestyle, but do not teach Christianity. Illustrations do not include people.

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We use Pathway readers as readers only. I have the entire set and have used them since my 16-year old was 5 years old.


I sit down with them with the first few as I am teaching them to read. As they become more comfortable with reading, they read them aloud to me. I also allow them to read ahead as many grade levels on their own, but they always read each one aloud to me (up to a certain grade level).


We really like them. I particularly like that they can pick them up and read ahead and I know what they are reading is good for them.


We also use the CLE Readers series the same way.

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I have used the first grade ones for my first grader. He loves stories like this. He does most of the workbook, too. Next year, I'll probably just use the readers for reading aloud because I really like the BJU reading curriculum after first grade. LOL. It would be toooo much workbook stuff to do both PR and BJU workbooks! But, I could see just using those for reading if I didn't want to include BJU so much! HTH!

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