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We're moving in 3 weeks

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Some of you might remember a thread about Boston a few months ago, but we're not headed in that direction. We're leaving TX for Seattle :auto:


We pack up our house in 3 weeks and will be living with my dad for a week before flying out. We'll be in temp. housing up to 60 days till we find a home (and since we're looking to buy, this might be longer than 60 days).


I've moved many times in my life, but never while homeschooling! We will 'officially' have about 11 weeks left of school (figuring a 36 week school-year). I plan to take all our books, and DH said he will get me a cheap-o printer we can use while in temp housing. I know we'll probably not do any proper school for a good two weeks while we are in limbo taking care of odds and ends. That's ok b/c I skipped our spring break knowing we'd need that time off later. All in all I have 3 weeks that I was going to use as 'off' and end the year in the second week of July. What I'll do now is probably take 2 of those weeks off while we pack/move and then another week once we're there while we house hunt or something. I know our routine is going to be so different and I'll have to dedicate time to house hunting. My kids will get so bored driving around with us and will not have me available to guide through grammar, writing, or math mistakes.


Any advice for a moving homeschooling family? Just do the most I can and see where we end up by July? Keep them reading good literature? I don't want to borrow from a library till we're settled in Seattle. Any good rec's to buy for my 5th, 4th, and 1st graders?

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I just replied to your HS question for WA, so, Welcome again! :001_smile:


If you know where you are moving, i.e. have an address, you can get signed on with either the King Co or the Sno-Isle regional library system. Both are EXCELLENT and offer a great selection of e-books, audio, and video downloads. That might keep them occupied during the move.

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what an adventure! have you thought about "car schooling"? we do logic in the car most days, and tuck in some second language tapes, too. SWB Story of the world on CD is great for listening to in the car!


then you could do math in the mornings before any thing else, and grammar over lunch each day even if you are in a restaurant. maybe first language lessons would work then, too. with both you and dh teaching, it would go twice as fast ; ). singapore science could be done as a "science camp" at home more intensely once you are settled, or as "work alone" time while you do FLL with the other one?


i think if you can swing it, it will mean you'll be done sooner in the summer....


that said, i wouldn't do it that way. i must confess i'd ditch most curriculum, and do Five in a Row with them while you are in transition. it includes literature and art and science and history and geography, and can take as much or as little time as you have. then you can pick up your curriculum (or not) once you are settled.


some of our most treasured moments from those ages involve Five in a Row, and curling up in bed to read the story and then off to do an activity based on the story (or three....). pure magic.




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I would get a kindle and do classic books.


Make sure you keep up with math. They forget that pretty easy.


Explain your situation at the library they might let you have a card with a small check out limit.


Make sure you enjoy the moving adventure.

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We moved into an extended stay hotel while homeschooling and househunting. We lived there for 3 months.

The homeschooling gave us something to do everyday. We also explored the local museums, libraries, parks etc.

Our househunting was mostly evenings and weekends, so that left day time open.

Your kiddoes are young enough that if you really need to stop school for the year and just handle the move, you can do it. I would probably start earlier than usual next fall, and then take a long break over Christmas.

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