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Writing:transitioning from classical school to public school


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This year, my son attends a private classical Christian school. He is doing very well.


Next year, he will be going to public school for 1st grade. The public school is a good one ( my husband is friends with the principal). One of my concerns academically about next year is writing. In his school now they practice writing through dictation and handwriting exercises. Next year, he will need to do creative writing and understand the writing process.


Any recommendation for a good Program to help my son catch up with creative writing? Blog? Free program? I am just not sure how I am supposed to teach him to go through the writing process.

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I wouldn't worry about any of this if I were you. There is an incredible variation in skill levels among first-graders. Some will be able to read, some won't. Some will be able to write legibly or able to spell, most won't. The creative writing process is not something which students will need to have mastered. I'd be surprised if they were taught anything about the writing process at all in kindergarten.

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This is just the difference between whole word and classical. I totally agree with classical which is Learning how to write through dictation of great book passages. I am not excited about my son going to public school. In whole word, they want them to get over the fear of writing and just learn the process without worrying about the mechanics (spelling, grammar etc.) I agree that learning the writing process before all of the rest is putting the cart before the horse. I just want to see if I can start working with him this summer on writing so that his first introduction will not be foreign ( and he will not feel far behind).

The "he will be fine answer" is not what I am looking for. I am asking for a recommendation for blog, website or program.


I have seen the writing, and it is mildly impressive since they work on writing on a daily basis.

Edited by cabreban
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My kids were both in public school at that age. Kindergarten writing was draw a picture and write a story about it (maybe 2 sentences - and I use that term lightly). Whatever they made in art or did as a project, they would write about it.


I wouldn't worry at all about this, but if it really stresses you, then have him journal over the summer. Each day he should write in his journal, either what he has done, what he wants to do or just anything he is thinking about. A few sentences per day. Journaling is VERY popular in public school. My kids got nothing out of it, but they did it every day K-4 <sigh>. Anyway, it isn't something that takes learning. It is just putting thoughts on paper.

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You could try Spectrum Writing Grade 1. The focus of Spectrum Writing is largely on creative writing, so it may help.


Woohoo...I just picked that workbook up new at Goodwill for .75 . I know I am probably working myself up, but I would like to be the one who exposes my son to writing since the feelings of dread can stay with you when you feel behind. (yes, part of my hang ups with my public schools)

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