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Bee sting in corner of eye?

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Ouch, that would bother me since it's so close to the eye. I would give my daughter benadryl and if the eye was swelling would consider a phone call to my eye doctor.


Yes, like I said, I haven't seen it yet but told grandma to let me know if it swells much. I don't keep Benadryl on hand, but maybe I should.

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My brother got stung very close to the eye at 7 or 8 years old. It swelled a lot, despite putting ice on it (initially cold soda cans--we were on a long bike ride with a family group). It was so swollen and ugly looking that school wanted a doctor's note the Monday after the event. The doctor gave a note saying school was ok. Doctor did not provide any treatment. This was over 40 years ago.

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Thanks all. It actually doesn't look too bad now, just a small red welt. Must have just been a small sweat bee or something---definitely not a bumblebee or a wasp. We just kept a cold compress on it for awhile, and the swelling went down. I'll keep an eye on it though.

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