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runners does this make sens?

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I have injured my knee, went to the ortho, had MRI and was told I may need lapriscopic(sp) for the frayed whatever it is in my knee if it kept hurting. I've been taking aleve so I can continue running but have been doing more cross training and following drs advice with no deep knee bends, squats, fewer stairs etc. Yesterday while on the Runners world website I found a new stretching routine, which is recommended for before and after running by the way...like I have an extra 30 minutes....anyways I noticed after I followed the routine my knee stopped hurting. Could I have slipped something back into place? Sound kind of strange? far fetched? opinions. comments.

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to the surgery option.


Find a doctor, preferrably a sports orthopedic doctor, who will send you to physical therapy FIRST, before even discussing surgery.


I was told in 2005 that I would never play tennis again without surgery for my wrist. Well, guess what? I'm playing tennis completely pain free and without special braces or support.


Seriously, doctors who are focused on sports tend to go the physical therapy route first. Their goal is to get the patient back to their sport as quickly as possible and surgery usually lengthens the time a person takes to get back. I was lucky to find a wonderful doctor who has treated both mine and my dc's various injuries over time and none of us (knocking on wood here and counting my blessings) have had to have surgery yet.


Just my $.02

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My plantar faciatis was so bad and I know it's related to tight calf muscles but I didn't realize how much stretching improves these things. I began an ernest stretching of these muscles several times a day and haven't had a problem as long as I keep the stretching routine in place.

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Bev is right. Avoid docs who don't even try PT first! Unless you had a major accident (like on a ski slope or something similar that can do serious damage to your knee) you should at least try some basic stretches and strengthening exercises first.


I'm totally in agreement with these two gals. Surgery should be very very very very very last resort/emergency procedure, imo.


You could have very well fixed the problem, although I am no doctor. Our bodies are wonderful, complicated, mysterious creations. I would continue with the new stretches, since you've had knee problems. What's an extra 30 minutes compared to surgery/pain? I HIGHLY believe in stretching before and after running. I mean, like what you are doing. My best runs are when I've stretched for 20 minutes before. Hope it all works out, and take care of yourself. Listen to your body, and know when you should stop/rest! :)

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