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Could it really be as easy as letting him listen to music?

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I've been experimenting with different things this week from a book on ADHD I'm reading, and today I have a radio on whenever DS is doing seat work. Wow! Noticeable difference! I noticed he's back to fidgeting between the songs when there is a pause before the next one clicks on, and he's more fidgety if the song doesn't have a strong beat. At one point he had a mini-meltdown which coincided with the cd ending. He refused to listen to me, but as soon as I restarted the cd, he listened and visibly relaxed.


We'll see how math goes -- that and spelling are always the worst subjects.

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I was talking with dd about this today! She likes music in general but says it distracts her to work with it. I on the other hand find that it's about the only way I can work. It stops my mind from racing about other things and let's me focus on one thing. Then I can get something done. We don't have a label for me btw.


So I think, if it works, do it!

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Nothing to add, really, but I agree with Elizabeth. If it works, do it! I find any kind of background music horridly distracting, but indispensable for driving or excercise :) I can see my younger DS, though, responding to it as your child does. Hmmm, maybe I should break out a good quiet music station on pandora.

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I on the other hand find that it's about the only way I can work. It stops my mind from racing about other things and let's me focus on one thing. Then I can get something done. We don't have a label for me btw.

No label for me, but I can NOT get things done in silence. I will manage to fill all that empty space with a gazillion distracting thoughts. Music, especially music without words (or in a language I don't know), fills the space neatly.

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Nothing to add, really, but I agree with Elizabeth. If it works, do it! I find any kind of background music horridly distracting, but indispensable for driving or excercise :) I can see my younger DS, though, responding to it as your child does. Hmmm, maybe I should break out a good quiet music station on pandora.


I am the same with being distracted terribly. I need absolute quiet (a little white noise is ok). But my DH and DS (both don't have any diagnoses but can be quite fidgety) thrive when they are working while listening to music or watching something. DS likes the Vince Guaraldi station on pandora for this purpose.

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We might need to get DS an Ipod with headphones or something because it DID seem to distract DD. She is a dancer and was dancing away in her seat the whole time ;)


:) I am glad you found something that works. My dd4 loves music, too. It soothes and relaxes her, but my middle two kiddos would be like your daughter: dancing all over the place.:D

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Dh's cousin has ADHD and having music or the tv on really helps her concentrate. She also gets permission to pace in the back of the classroom during a lecture (she is in college), and that seems to help too.


On a slightly different note, music makes my toddler less whiny and more apt to dance or play on her own. So we have a lot of music playing during the day ;)

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Some days it really helps my DS. I can't concentrate, but that won't be a problem until/unless he wants to use music more.


Once you know the type of music that works for your child, go for it. It's usually classical or something from Cirque de Soleil for us.

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