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s/o How do you stay intellectually engaged?

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Oh I know TOTALLY what you mean, lol. I've gone out of more gourd for almost 8 years now, trying to do the homeschool thing and busy myself with housekeeping and junk. My kid is never going to be an intellectual powerhouse or stimulating to me. We don't like the same things, and frankly her IQ isn't putting her in a position to challenge me.


I had people telling me over and over to busy myself with other things, that my dd didn't *need* all the energy I had to give, but I wasn't sure what. This year I've been doing a little ESL tutoring (something I'm just about qualified for, took classes on it in college) and have started taking classes in photography. It means I'm on the boards less and thinking about school work less, but the reality is I could teach her with half my brain tied behind my back (to clone Rush Limbaugh, sorry, haha). So I've got her doing what I need, and I put my energy into *me* and things *I* like. So far I've taken 3 photography classes online and I'm signed up for two more. I've learned photo-editing with one piece of software and have another to learn. I find lots of library books and online resources to go with my new interest, and of course I HAD to find a discussion board to haunt, haha...


So I know what you mean. Sometimes the thing we need isn't obvious, because we think it conflicts with homeschooling. We might shut doors unnecessarily to opportunities. I've done some classes in my home, and that was a good way to keep me busy. Before I had my ds (10 year gap), I thought I'd probably get another degree and teach in the local cs when my dd graduated. So you just have to look and see what your interests are, what your gifts are, and what your budget is.


What do you like? What is your background? Is there something you'd like to do that you've never done? Maybe we can give you ideas! For instance I've always wanted to learn guitar. I don't know if I'd put up with the pain on the fingertips, but it's something I may do someday and would fit well with homeschooling. This online photography thing is AWESOME. Cost is, well it's a little crunchy. Depends on what you have to start with as far as a camera, etc. Nuts, there are people who are getting into iphoneography, and it's all the rage. You can watch workshops on it online, etc.

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I read. You know, books that I want to read. I read them silently as a bonus, no reading aloud required (whew!)


I also love to walk with my iPod when it's nice enough. I love to drive, alone, with the music turned up. Those give me time to think.


I'm a research junky. I plan out vacations, unit studies,day trips, holidays to the nth degree. I know that wouldnt be some folks cup of tea, but I thrive on it.


If I'm really lucky, I travel :) I love to visit new places and dig into their local offerings. Drop me in a big city and I'll have googled local attractions and be at a museum, observatory, zoo or the like before you can blink.

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I love to sew and now that I have more quilts than I have beds :) I am learning to knit. I also love to research, planning for next year's school year is one of my favorite things to do so I do that when I have free time.


I find that since I do so much reading during school that for now, it has lost its charm but I am sure it will come back. Once my littles are a little older I plan to become a tutor for dyslexic kids since that is one area I have great expertise in thanks to hsing. :D


I guess none of these are really intellectually stimilating but I should mention that I am a talk radio junkie so I listen to podcasts while I attend to my hobbies.

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I read a lot. Sometimes I even ignore my kids just to finish a good book. I love books that take me away to different countries and cultures. I watch a lot of documentaries on tv too. Also I discovered that my SN kid loves fascinating facts from science and social studies. So I randomly share tidbits without worrying whether he really gets it. He is always interested. We talk about the remarkable division of labor in ant and bee colonies, Koko the Gorilla communicating in ASL, blackholes, alternate universes, etc. He gets all of the facts mixed up but he's learning that the real world is incredible and more interesting than any cartoon. Actually it is easier to share most remarkable facts with my SN kid than adults. With most adults I get the feeling that I'm supposed to be too old to be in complete awe of the universe. However I only afterschool. If I was homeschooling I would have less time for my own intellectual pursuits or thoughts.

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When we go to the library I spend my time searching for my own books. This forces me to let DD be independent and work on library skills, and it's also very therapeutic for me to wander the shelves. :001_smile:


I am also enjoy old movies on TCM and British dramas (a la Downton Abbey, Forstye Saga, North and South, etc.) on Netflix. Most recently I watched Edward and Mrs. Simpson which has launched me into a nerdy research project on their relationship (fulfilled during my library time).


And then there's the time I spend on the forums...and the wine and chocolate...;)

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I like and agree with all of One L Michele's suggestions. (As usual - thanks again, Michele. I wish I had you next door as an example for me.) And Shari's, too: gradual independence for the kids, according to each one's ability, and taking over more and more of the housekeeping, although the quandary is that such training takes more time at first.


I find that I have good intentions to do things for myself, even good plans, and a supportive husband who will help me find time, and yet still I don't follow through. I think in my case I've got issues with depression (also part of my personality), which makes the follow-through very hard at times. Just something to be aware of, if this is the case for you.

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