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Ken Burns Lewis and Clark documentary - appropriate for 8-year-old to watch?

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I was wondering if anyone had seen the PBS Lewis and Clark documentary by Ken Burns. Is it appropriate for an 8-year-old? Normally, ds doesn't like to watch anything with real people in it (for a while he only liked cartoons :glare:), but I got him to watch Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone after we listened to it on audiotape. He said he's amenable to watching Lewis and Clark, as he's interested in their story.


It seems lately that every single quality documentary we watch lately emphasizes prostitutes, sex scandals, violence, etc. Only dh and I watch them, of course. Even if Lewis and Clark have not been angels (I know they are only human), I'd like for ds to see them as just adventurous explorers for now, YKWIM? I don't want to be surprised with this one. Has anyone watched it? Is it appropriate for an 8-year-old?



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We watched it with our kids at that age a year ago; the only thing that I was uncomfortable with is there is suicide that is described and is pretty bad. It also references the fact that Sacajewa was pretty much a slave, but not in any great detail. Our younger kids did not really pay attention towards the end of the documentary, but I really enjoyed it.

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I watched this with my then 9yo and 12yo children. I don't remember anything particularly bad and I'm rather picky when it comes to movies. There is sadness and hardship due to the harsh nature of the environment and isolation from the rest of the world. I remember tearing up at parts. The soundtrack is lovely. Lewis does commit suicide but I don't remember the details - it is after they return from the journey, though, so you could probably just end the movie early and leave it at that.

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I watched this about 3 weeks ago with my children - 7yo and 5yo included. I don't remember anything that made me uncomfortable but ymmv. The suicide they speak of is in the last episode and by then my 7yo and 5yo weren't paying close attention, either. :)


It is a very well-done documentary and my older kids and I were very impressed with it AND with Lewis & Clark - it is amazing to really hear what they went through.

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I haven't seen the Burns documentary but my boys watched this one at seven (it is National Geographic). It was fine for that age and they enjoyed it.


Thank you! Dh put this in our instant queue :)


Thanks, everyone!

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