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Should I "teach" my 2yo to read?

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I was reading prior to school. we didn't have TV and my mom just read to me a lot and answered questions when I asked. So, I thought my kids would. My first two children ended up in public kindergarten. I didn't really have the full teaching experience with either if them. My third child has a lot of delays. He is just starting to read Bob Books. He has never been to school, just quite a bit of therapy.


So, my fourth child is my first girl. A totally different experience. about six months ago she picked up a book and started pretending like she was reading and she traced her finger left to right. She has continued steadily picking up letters and sounds here and there. She loves playing Starfall after watching her brother do it.


I tend to lean to a Waldorfy better late than never but maybe that is my default from having these boys:001_huh:


Any thoughts? Is this advanced or just normal development? Should I spend a little time with her each day? It really isn't a bother especially since I am already working a bit with her older brother.

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I personally think this is pretty normal. I would just read to her and answer her questions, play games with the alphabet, and have fun. It needed be super structured or curriculum based. And I'd stop with any signs of resistance.

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A member on here has a blog about teaching young kids to read. I bought the LeapFrog Word Builder toy after ds#2 learned his letters AND sounds at age 26 months, based on the recommendation on this blog. I also let him play a lot of Starfall.com. That's all I did. I just let him play with the toy and the games on the website. I didn't do any sit down instruction. 3 weeks ago it all clicked for him, and he can now read over 65 CVC words. He turns 3yo next week.

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