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Dissections for 2nd, 4th, and 5th graders? Or save for later?

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We are going to be studying the human body next year, and I was wondering if I should get a dissection kit (cow's eye, sheep's heart, etc). I'd probably only get one kit for all of us to use together. This would be for 2nd, 4th, and 5th graders; I'm sure the K'er and PreK'er would want to watch too.


Is it worth it for this age? Or should I save it for high school biology?

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My kids thought the dissections were the greatest thing we ever did. :tongue_smilie:


I would get at *least* two of each, because we messed up one of our cow eyeballs. There are videos on YouTube showing professors walking lab students through the dissections - and there are videos on the cow eye. We watched videos ahead of time, listened to the professor label the parts and listened to a small talk about each part.


Also, we ordered our kits from here: http://www.hometrainingtools.com/


The kits were in great shape and came with dissection guides.

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Ok serious question. What makes these organs different from something you can get at a butcher (i.e. "regular" organs)? I used to buy beef heart and liver for my cat.

They're preserved so that they don't decay, and usually injected with dyes to make the veins and arteries more apparent.

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I'd say it would be fun....it depends on your kids. (I'm a huge fan of dissection, however, I know at least one of my kids would gag himself to death if we tried.) Have you thought about owl pellets? I played with those in the elementary grades and really enjoyed it....we had cards with animal skeletons and had to match what we found to the chart. Might be a nice way to start out...a little less intense? Otherwise I'd say go for it. You can always do it again, right? ;)

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I'd say it would be fun....it depends on your kids. (I'm a huge fan of dissection, however, I know at least one of my kids would gag himself to death if we tried.) Have you thought about owl pellets? I played with those in the elementary grades and really enjoyed it....we had cards with animal skeletons and had to match what we found to the chart. Might be a nice way to start out...a little less intense? Otherwise I'd say go for it. You can always do it again, right? ;)


We did the owl pellets a year or so ago, and they enjoyed that.

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I bought Frog and Rat dissection apps on the iPad for my DD7, since I'm pretty sure she doesn't have the fine motor control to do the real thing without messing up the organs. She's taken apart those poor digital critters again and again-and at $2.99/app, I think that's about what it would cost to buy a preserved specimen.

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