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Please help me remember a science program

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There is a program that has been out for several years - maybe more. A man (perhaps a science teacher?) wrote two programs only, the last I heard. I believe one had to do with astronomy and the other music? I believe the titles had two words - for example, Astronomy & _________ or Music & ______. I think they were written for 7th-8th grade. The company name was something like Wildwood?? Ring any bells??? Thanks!

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I think you might mean Math & Music and Math & the Cosmos by Wildredge Education. The link to Wildredge's website seems to be dead so I'm wondering if they're still in business.


Seems to still be available from Duke's TIP program though.


Here's a review I found on the software.




Yes that is it. Thanks! :hurray:


Too bad it wasn't continued. I think there were originally going to be six programs, at least. And one of them was going to be architecture based.


I'm still thinking about the Math and & Music set for next year though.

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I think you might mean Math & Music and Math & the Cosmos by Wildredge Education. The link to Wildredge's website seems to be dead so I'm wondering if they're still in business.


Seems to still be available from Duke's TIP program though.


Here's a review I found on the software.


This looks so intriguing! Maybe when ds is just a little older... seems like he'd really enjoy both of these.

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