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Trail Guide to Learning


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I looked at this when it first came out and it was way over ds' head at the time. Later, we were busy with other things. Now, I recently saw someone here mention it and it reminded me. Ut oh.....:D Just when I think I've got it all figure out, I read something here. Well, it does look really good. Searches on the board have turned up a few posts. I'm just wondering if anyone has any thoughts you'd like to add. Good, bad, otherwise. Easy to use? Enough depth? Well laid out? Other thoughts. Also, I'm interested to hear about the different years. Has anyone used Paths of Progress?

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I looked at this when it first came out and it was way over ds' head at the time. Later, we were busy with other things. Now, I recently saw someone here mention it and it reminded me. Ut oh.....:D Just when I think I've got it all figure out, I read something here. Well, it does look really good. Searches on the board have turned up a few posts. I'm just wondering if anyone has any thoughts you'd like to add. Good, bad, otherwise. Easy to use? Enough depth? Well laid out? Other thoughts. Also, I'm interested to hear about the different years. Has anyone used Paths of Progress?


We used this when it first came out with my 5th grader, but it was too easy -- so I ordered the middle grade supplement. I think POE is more suitable to 3rd grade. I saved it for my next dd who will give it a whirl next year, and then we'll decide on the next level.

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Did you see this recent review?


It looks like a really great curriculum! Very tempting this time of year :001_smile:

I saw that around 11 pm last night and decided since it was soooooo long that I didn't want to stay up late just to read it. However, I am going to read it soon. And gosh *&^%& it, I missed the giveaway!

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We have used POE all year, and it has been AWESOME for us. I am planning to use POS next year. My first grader has tagged along- and of course I haven't done everything with him the same, but adjusted things to his level. I used a mix of the first and second level for my third grader. Next year, with Paths of Settlement, I'm looking forward to using it because it is laid out perfectly for us, and for my mind. LOL. If you have any particular questions, I'd be happy to answer.

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I just read the review and looked more closely at the samples. I am tempted, though I'm not sure how I'd sort out where to place my dc. I'd want to keep them in the same period, but my older ds has more U.S. history than younger. Maybe I could do some with younger ds to finish up this year, then do Paths of Settlement with both next year.......just thinking aloud here. I'm not sure that's ideal though.

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